
Various things that I was eager to show my mom, knowing she has a much lower tolerance for violence and gore than I do, but assuming she could see past it, set aside the morality, and enjoy the fun of it all. But her reaction to Inglorious Basterds, Shoot em Up, Sin City and Daredevil, and anything that portrays

It took me about halfway into that clip to realize the curly haired girl was supposed to be Brittany Murphy.

It's not that I didn't like Lettie's husband, the reverend whatshisname, but why was a significant portion of this finale devoted to Sookie talking to this really brand new character? Why would his opinion matter to her in anyway? And, if they were trying so desperately to integrate the minister into the core cast

I'd just accepted that any kind of accountability or vampire law went out the window when Russell killed that Magister guy.

Seriously Bill, I know you're dying but how do you not see that you are setting up THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM for your daughter? And oh yeah, Hoyt and Jessica's relationship was already in trouble even before the Jason thing.

rhymed with "facts is" Yeah that verse is kind of a mess.

The sign said Chancery Plaza Hotel, I think.

I will accept that trade.

I really liked Escape Plan, pretty much because of Arnold. He's a lot of fun in it.

Kinda how I felt about Sabotage, though End of Watch is a better movie. Ayers has a third-act problem.

He insults someone by referring to them as 49% body fat. So that was fun.

I actually thought he was almost interesting in this. I may actually remember his performance if I think about this movie later on, he probably won't be the first one I think of, but…

I would have thought the cookbook would come before the art book. I do absolutely want the Hannibal cookbook, not that I'm overly fond of organ meats.

If they didn't mind him being an abusive bastard in the books why would they mind him being an abusive bastard onscreen? And unless they do massive rewrites, they only way BDSM would come off positively would be by accident.

I was watching Sabotage today which he was decent in, I think I may remember what he did in it if I think of that movie later. But i remember reading (or hearing) a critic saying that it was amazing that Worthington has been the lead in several huge blockbusters including the biggest movie of all time and he was sure

Poor, poor Ginger. Can't blame a girl for keeping hope alive but after the first 5 years wouldn't it kinda sink in that Eric was never ever going to get desperate enough to do her?

The Yakuza, apparently. What the fuck, by the way?!

I love that Wynn Duffy scene. He's so shocked and appalled "Jesus Christ! There are cops outside!….You're a cop!" Duffy has just had more than enough trigger happy psycho to deal with this season and Raylan's antics are not welcome in his motor home.

It occurred to me after I wrote that I might be the only one who thinks so. Especially since, as you say, the movies that are about Thor and Loki (and Natalie Portman, I guess) have a lot more time to spend on their relationship and why Loki is who he is. I just find him more fun to watch in The Avengers.

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