
Hiddleston…obviously. Even if he was more interesting in The Avengers than in either Thor movies.



I don't know how anyone can talk this much about Masters of Sex, and barely mention Virginia Johnson.

Madison…though that one is literally invented by pop culture as well. I did a baby name search awhile back and found the sitting US president's last name was always in the top ten (thought that's probably more to do with presidents having very traditional names) it didn't occur to me we had started using their last

Are there kickstarters for getting people organs? If yes, is that at all legal?!

Groundhog Day: Filmed in Woodstock Illinois, three towns away from me.

From what he was saying, though, his spying went on longer than I would have assumed. As in he was still spying on her after she was pregnant? Kinda made it sound like he only stopped once Drogo was out of the way.

That's always been my annoyance with Frankenstein. The character, not the book. He in part despised his monster because he was so ugly…but he was the one who made him that way!

It is very strange that Roose is the bastard who gets legitimized while Jon Snow has to stay Jon Snow.

Yeah that may be the first fight scene I ever seen where the character who just has to open with a lot of fancy spinning and flipping around did not get quickly taken down with one shot. But here we just delayed that a little bit.

While I appreciate that they didn't have Tris immediately fall into bed with Four she's still sleeping in his room for the rest of the movie, right? So in this society where they're being observed and ranked based on everything they do, no one notices that the girl who just started rising through the rankings also

Is that what it was? From the movie it kinda seemed like Four (speaking of…seriously?!) was saying she was divergent because if she was really Dauntless she'd be too dumb to not realize that it wasn't real.

Dividing it based on altitude sounds a lot more workable than by the only personality trait they have, apparently. Judging people based on geography is kinda what we do in our actual reality, and hasn't there been tension between highlanders and lowlanders at various points and several different countries? I

Did Dracula ever get that insane, though? I walked away after the first few episodes because it was kinda dull in comparison with the insanity it promised. And because Meyers' accent was painful to listen to.

More like why some mad scientists can't have nice monsters.

Yeah, the brown haired Dorian Gray thing always throws me off. Personally I always picture Jude Law, just because he played Bosie in Wilde.

Definitely. I was looking at him thinking what a great Lestat he would make.


If I can just take a moment to feel bad for poor Alana specifically. Hannibal saves the intense conversations about betrayal and clarity and seeing each other for who they really are for Will (and Jack and Abigail, to a lesser extent) and basically just says "Oh sweetie, you got played. Just walk away" to the woman