
Why not have both? Visor up and you have augmented reality... Visor down and you have full immersion.... Come on Logitech.. Time to make the “ViSOR”

You must not have seen the same demos we saw. On stage, he even said that it would be available in the same timeframe as windows 10.

So, my question is if the field of view is so small, HOW was the field of view edge to edge in in the video feed since it was recorded live?

I believe they have every intention of bringing this out as a consumer product. Its a new paradigm for Microsoft, like when they switched from DOS to Windows and started selling the Microsoft Mouse.

They have trimmed the energy problem down immensely. It used to take as much energy as the entire universe, trimmed down to “an entire sun” trimmed down to “A jupiter sized planet” and now trimmed down to “a 10 meter sphere” Sounds like they are moving in the right direction to me!

There are plenty of people that are pretty far down the theory path already. Don’t write this one off.

Why would gamma radiation kill LCDs? but not permanently fog the phosphor in CRTs?

You could get all the raw materials you needed for a 100 mile diameter space station from just a few medium sized asteroids and solar power for smelting. If you planned the build parameters into the army of 3D replicated robots that would be actually building it, you could change those plans on the fly and then just

The car manufactures will not release one (and they are in 2016) unless those details were worked out. I could see Tesla or Google taking these risks, but not Audi, Volvo and Cadillac.

insurmountable? If its an engineering question, it is never “insurmountable”

You forget this becomes much safer once computer driven cars become vogue. You are absolutely right. No human would ever pass a flying car driving test. However, MANY car companies will be offering completely self-driving cars in 2016. Its not just a Google thing. If Audi and Volvo and Cadillac and others are testing

Now playing

Dr White at NASA Eagleworks has a very elegant theory on a working warp drive. It has been getting a significant amount of attention lately. It used to seem impossible / far-fetched but it seems to be coming into focus rather rapidly. I wouldn’t throw this one away quite yet.

Prove they are merely fiction. There has been plenty of accounts by rational people that say otherwise.

I believe that the ultimate transporter device will in someway work as a doorway or gateway instead and involve quantum entanglement at the quantum loop / string level.


I think “stoppiing the beam” has something to do with “Plasma”, “magnetic containment” and wavelength. All lightsabers seem to have a beam that is relatively the same length. I think the beam length is a function of some generators wavelength.

Might be necessary if we discover that we just cannot travel faster than light no matter how much Dr Sonny White wants to.

And that would NEVER settle with most people.

Installing software in a modern version of linux DOES NOT require programming to get it to work any more than Windows / Mac / Android / IOS does. Sure, there are always specific cases, but if I want to install Chrome, Firefox, Openoffice, Steam, etc its just point and click from an app store, just like Windows. Of