
A friend of mine tweeted about the aftermath of her rape this week. This is one of the things that she said that left me open-mouthed and ragey*. The idea that someone you are in a relationship with would not only make your sexual assault about them, but would also lay down some victim-blaming cover fire leaves me

Fuck you and fuck your lack of respect.

Neither does he.

Ummm, I didn't understand that.

Because what is there to say about the sister? I mean, self-evidently, that is some fucked-up shit right there. But beyond that, what can you say?

Or my twenty-something neighbor who found out her man cheated on her. I got to hear her screaming (to her mother) "How could he do this? I want to feel their blood on me!" at midnight.

Not being sarcastic - why is this shitty?

Yes, but those items are all THERE. In one place. Stacked to the rafters. Next to things I never knew I needed, but now that I know they exist, I have to have them.

You mean "I Love Fartin'?"

She has really let some simple-to-refute stuff go right past her this year, though. Like some Ferguson stuff, some President Obama stuff (SOTU, maybe?), and some gender-related story that enraged me so badly I switched to whatever was on HGTV as I was getting dressed.

"Usually" Mika straightens him out? She has let so much of his stupid shit fly right past her in the past year that I can't even hate-watch this crap in the morning anymore.

Because orthodoxy is diametrically opposed to nuance.

That's only true if we live in a world that doesn't have a default presumption of heterosexuality. An "undefined" sexuality is assumed to be straightness.

I want that beard scratching my thighs.

"Will Your Prudent Young Debutante Become a Cunning Linguist?"

I had the exact same conversation about private school at the progressive organization I work for - private schools are ridiculous, what kind of people spend that kind of money to educate their children, what kind of spoiled brats go to private school...

I'm sorry, there's something sad and creepy about the way the little black girl is left off on her own in the back.

Oddly, I've nicknamed my vagina "The Awesome Cybill Shepherd."

Are you fucking kidding me? Has Jezebel suddenly become the refuge of Chardonnay-sipping tightass suburban soccer Moms? What the hell is this shit? "Normal" hairstyle? "Barista career?"

Finding that thing you like can change your life, though. Water aerobics and Zumba were a complete shock to me. "Working out can be fun! This is amazing!"