
Ditto. My feminist mother didn't teach me how to apply makeup. Which is why my look is stuck firmly in the mid-90's cat-eye black eyeliner, red lipstick world.

I try to be all "I don't judge," but nope, nope, nope, nope..

Coke'll do that to ya.

I have similar proportions (in a very big size) and found Butter Denim Jeans (from Avenue) to be really well-fitting. They also come in a capri style for even shorter legs.

We may not be more homophobic, but I feel like we're silent in the face of homophobia. A Lot. Like, A Lot A Lot. We let our ministers stand out there and publicly undercut the gay rights movement, and we're silent about how civil rights are human rights.

I want to steal that blogger's avatar, because in my head, that is absolutely what I believe I look like.

I'd be willing to bet some people don't know what it stands for. There is also a significant group of people who use it to signify"Rise In Power," so maybe Miss J. is trying to leave it to the reader?

Plus, his wife is a feminist, so I can't see him getting away with it even if he wanted to.

You're not buying into it. That is really the only thing you can definitively state.

Well, I think you should email Oprah and tell her exactly what she "needs" to be doing. Maybe then she might finally be able to claw her way to success.

Simply Be?

"What's wrong with you then?"

Just once, I would like to see a parent stand up and say "My son acted like an over-privileged asshole. If I believed in corporal punishment, I would tan his behind, but instead, I'll be stripping his room and budget of all non-essentials until he grows the fuck up."

Wait, is that a Mac Plus?

I would suggest it's because pOrnaddict may be grooming someone in their own life, and he/she/it wants to cling to the idea that said seduction makes them blameless.

Children crave approval and affection from their parents, and to some degree, from most of the adults in their life. If you don't receive that, it makes you inordinately hungry to receive that in your adult life.

Except that there are objective facts that we can glean from the story that support the contention that he is a narcissistic asshole. Primary among those being that he had sex with his daughter. On multiple occasions. And paid for her to go to therapy afterwards.

I'm an old (and for NY, a Poor), so I shop at Lord &Taylor, Lane Bryant, Eshakti, etc.

Yes, but I can tell you former members of the Young Lords who are still into social activism think he is a bitch-ass punk sellout.

2/3 of the 20-something men in my SoHo office building look egg.zac.lee like this.