
Context is everything my cherry picking friend..

Pretty sure the sea level is rising. But don’t take my word for it, take NASA’s.

Moreover, the study was from several years ago, and the link for “Find out more about this study” is currently broken. This is a pop-sci take on a very serious glaciology report, and is a puff piece rather than the meat of the study itself. Without being able to see the statistical methods and margins for error, I

Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, is it? You climate change deniers love to cherry pick these studies. The very next sentence says, “But this is also bad news. If the 0.27 millimeters per year of sea level rise attributed to Antarctica in the IPCC report is not really coming from Antarctica, there must

The very next sentence after the above quote, for those that don’t click the link:

The crucial word that you left out is “currently.” The article that you linked indicates that ice gain in the East held steady at 200 billion tons/yr from 1992-2008, while losses elsewhere increased by 65 billion tons/yr over the same period.

What I’m hearing is, we don’t have a Stanislav Petrov to save us anymore. 

“There are a ton of different reasons why you can end up with an SSSS.”

White person = a few chuckles and a cursory questioning about your trip and why you have no luggage.

Brown person = Good luck not being shot.

I don’t care what people say. That will never get old.

I’m not getting into Flanders’ poorly constructed shelter with everyone else.

That meme should have voting rights by now.

This has to be posted despite how old the meme is:

This is fantastic. Painful, but fantastic.

Clearwater ladies sing this song, “Duda, Duda”
Clearwater causeway is 10 miles long, “Oh a Duda, day”

Must be a New York thing.