Swayze Train GTi

What about the first Iron Man? I seem to recall reading that the terrorists who capture Tony Stark at the beginning reveal most of the plot in whatever language it was they were speaking, which wasn’t subtitled

People always hate on the VLSD but I had one and it honestly was just fine. As far as I can tell the only problem with it was that they break for no reason on some cars. Never happened to me though

Literally the only thing it helps you do in the snow is accelerate faster. So technically, yes, but for most of the retards on the road it just means less time between being stopped and the inevitable accident.

Yeah having lived in Michigan my entire life, I can say the only thing 4wd does is help you when you fuck up and get off the road. So it makes sense that people who don’t know shit about cars continuously espouse it’s virtues. Really it’s all about the tires and ground clearance. I ran on all seasons that winter as

Had some fantastic times sliding around in the middle of the night last winter in my 93 NA. Best part is, if you overcook it you just end up hitting a snowbank, worst case scenario you might need to get the tires balanced.

Which I had to do 4 times last winter... Guys at Discount Tire were like WTF have you been

So.... We’ve had sanctions in place against Russia for quite some time now, and their economy wasn’t great to begin with.

The question I have is whether their economy will finally crash completely, or will it just continue in on in massive deficit? I mean look at the US, we’ve got massive debt and we just ignore it as

So it’s like a bus, except WAY more expensive and can’t go wherever it needs to?

Why is New York considered one of the best cities in the world with braindead ideas like this?

Having driven almost every new model of regular car that GM sells, I feel comfortable saying their quality problems are only apparent in the cars made by the Daewoo subsidiary. The Sonic’s floor mats are made from recycled WWII wool blankets, and, in the turbo engine with a manual, the revs drop so slowly you have to

If I could drive one of these on public roads I would be saving all my pennies. God, what a jaw dropping piece of design, aesthetically and mechanically. Damn myopia, keeping me from joining the Air Force

It was not however, all that lovely to look at.

Stockholm Syndrome?

Though I suppose walking to the trash can is technically tougher than tossing your half eaten Taco Bell burrito out the window

“Don’t mess with Texas” loses a lot of it’s badass, stetson wearing, six shooter carrying, Marlboro smoking appeal when you realize it was originally an anti-littering slogan.

I really think the Middle East should stick to making the fuel for supercars instead of trying to make the cars. The Lykan Hypersport, Devel Sixteen, and now this, ugh.

Whatever would fit and last long enough for me to drive it by remote control into the design studios of Ssangyong with a bed full of explosives.

So they’re going to sell it in every market except the one which, by far and away, sells the most trucks. Pretty hilarious considering every other aspect seems to be well done; basing it off a Japanese truck means it shouldn’t have shite Merc reliability, diesel engines, and the market for luxury trucks is huge right

Exactly like when I tried to take my Corvette out during the first snow of the year, just for shits and giggles. Those giggles quickly turned into anger at myself for being so stupid. Got stuck in about 150 feet after getting out of the driveway. And the Vette’s rear end was coming out at 7 MPH.

So, kinda like gaining citizenship in the United States?

An interesting engine for sure, but I do wonder about that power figure. As mentioned by someone else, dyno measuring wasn’t reliable above 1000 HP in those days, so it’s a theoretical figure, which was determined through engineers calculations. These calculations were based on a rule of thumb regarding increases in

I saw the engine they used in this vehicle at the Ransom Olds museum in Lansing Michigan. I’m still blown away by the fact that they got a single turbo 4 banger up to 900 horsepower in those years.

For anyone who wants to read more about the museum: http://oppositelock.kinja.com/pictures-and-d…