
Anybody remember Bill Clinton's "It's about the Economy, stupid,"? Hillary should have remembered that. Instead, her entire platform seemed to consist of "Vote for me, I'm not HIM."

I'm watching The Nice Guys tonight!

Got some new software for my CGI hobby, been screwing around with that (including new self-portrait). Mostly NSFW http://colinscrod.deviantar… . Site-whoring isn't a sin here, is it?

Anybody know if UNCLE is available on dvd at all?

Nothing about Metzger-Wickersham? I'm sure that's what the millennials know him from.

In the movie, Potter gets off scot-free.

Seen this coming since that New Yorker article. RIP

Wish they'd do like they did with Fantastic Four, and release ALL the old issues on CD-ROM.

Even W. had that damned 29% of useful idiots.

After this election and all the fucking awful revelations about his character, you really think he cares about his rep?

As I said on another site, Trump is 70. He could possibly die soon.

As a longtime CGI hobbyist, I sez fake.

"Mongo only pwn in cosmic game of chess."

Would that be Jumping the Shark?

Certainly better than someone trying to pronounce "Pwn".


Hurricane Bianca I dunno, maybe I expected something campier, but it didn't thrill me. Basic gay fish-out-of-water, a couple of queens worth watching but not the big gay deal I wanted out of Bianca.

Your jaw makes a popping noise when it breaks. Fun fact!

*Suddenly wondering if Samsung had anything to do with my Emerson microwave oven, which started sparking and spasming this week. I've been living on cold pizza for three days now.

Met both Quentin Crisp and Isaac Asimov awhile back. No, not at the same time.