
Iced Tea— the house wine of the American South! Of course, my dentist bitches at me for drinking it, but I rather have the tea than go to the dentist anyway.

I bought Civ V when I got my new computer— does Civ VI have any heavier requirements for hardware? I'd love to pick it up, but afraid it won't work with my hardware.

Still playing Dragonquest Builder, and wanting to go back to Bioshock Burial At Sea when I can find the time.
Still waiting on Final Fantasy XV, and wondering about WWE 2K17— anybody played that, got any opinions on it?

Never cared for ribs, too messy.

Where is it, online?

I have always had a hot spot for Burns.

Oh please PLEASE don't.

TANA FRENCH, DAMMIT! In The Woods is one of the most gripping mysteries I've ever read!

Saw Keanu. Wonderfully funny, even to a white guy.


I didn't notice anything.

Because it's not finished.

Some of those things leaving are things I didn't know were there, like Mel Brooks Make a Noise— gotta see that now!

At least we only have three, four weeks of the constant Trump Trump Trump.

Blackmail payoffs? He knows a lot of pedophiles with money, remember.

You have the right to perform, but you have the DUTY to make that performance good, or at least memorable.

Lords Of Salem was pretty good, if a lot slower than usual for him.

I WAS RIGHT! I said this looked like a piece of shit from the trailer, and I WAS RIGHT!

YES! "Pretend to be happy and you WILL be happy." And then I got "No, not a WEIRD smile!" I grew up an extreme mess.

I had something like this at a Pride festival, except the kid was 16! Always ask first.