
I used to think I was schizophrenic, because I did the same thing; a therapist explained this was not real schizo, just a "coping mechanism" to rehearse arguments before they happen.

Jesus fucking CHRIST, internet.

I'm tempted to drag in all of Kyle Kinane's take on Jack— "Dude, he only got FIVE victims?"

I have one, but all I do is retweet other people's stuff. Occasionally I send messages to Patton Oswalt, but he hasn't filed a restraining order yet.

*Waves hand*

That's Harvey FIERSTEIN.

They get an orgasm, and the odds against being punished are favorable.

I thought she lost her hair due to chemo.

She's a lil righteously pissed-off.

Like I said before, GWB may have been an idiot, but at least he wasn't an ANGRY idiot.

Seeing a lot of old white men with Trump T-shirts here in PA. Much fear.

One good thing from The Donald's words— I got linked to The Ritz Bros singing "Here Pussy Pussy from Goldwyn Follies of 1938 https://youtu.be/FH07jAKHDhs

Reading— Tana French's In The Woods, Doom Patrol (YEAH!) Shade the Changing Girl, Future Quest, Flintstones (Well, who could resist a cover with Fred and Wilma hugging as an angry mob wielding DOWN WITH MONOGAMY advances. Cute story, too.).

Mondo2000 ran a column by a guy who called himself Xandar, all rants about The Conspiracy and How America Was Gonna Get Hit. Stopped being so funny after the OKC bombing.

The Living Colossus?

Some of the Media attacked him back in the 80's-90-'s (RIP, SPY magazine). The rest thought he was too insignificant.

Christ, just tape the damn thing. If he screws up, don't air it.


Naw, I think we're at the "Lead Poisoning" phase.

Cue "The Mikado".