
Caroll O'Connor could actually sing, and not just with the Bronx accent ala Those Were The Days.

Red Foxx, strictly for tax reasons.

No mention of the Jackson 5 Saturday morning cartoon? The Osmonds came afterward, to lesser results.

It's definitely made me more liberal and accepting. Of course, this could also be viewed as a DISadvantage.

I'm a bi-sexual built for two!

I mostly read it for the cartoons.

Yeah, my gaybar had a vigil Sunday, but I didn't read about it til Monday. And I'm too broke to donate anything.

And that was so peaceful and polite.

Carrying guns was outlawed in Tombstone AZ in Wyatt Earp's time.

Watched Deadpool completely last night, and after the gooey romance part, it was pretty good.

I really liked the original concept for Prey 2— Bounty Hunter on an alien space station. I don't know why they'd call this Prey, except that they had the IP name lying around and wanted to use it.

They're already complaining about "Gun-free zones".

I was under the impression that CK had already sworn off the internet and social media altogether.

Finally saw Unknown Beyond, supposedly based on Lovecraft, and it was awful. Had to change the Region setting on my PS4 temporarily to play it, and it was nothing but German bloodletting and angst, like Evil Dead without the sense of humor.

There is at least a chance that SCOTUS, without that fucking Scalia, will rule concealed arms aren't covered in the Sacred Second Amendment.

You can catch the original JC on Antenna TV weeknights at 11.

I've got dvds for days.

They have the customers in line like cows already; why bother hiring cashiers?

Nope, still not worth going to Wal-Mart for.

Naw, "F" would be an interesting kind of fuck-up.