
Never actually seen the Carry On series, does it get beyond snickering references?

Reading a helluva article in The New Yorker about the Science of Touch and the development of a new artificial hand.

For some reason I ordered Kick Ass 2 in my dvd, and I'm waiting for Lady Dynamite in streaming.

Amber Rose doesn't look nearly dangerous enough.

If you're into something specific and weird, it's sometimes the only option, other than pirate sites which rip off the pay-sites.

I'm honestly amazed that my local brick-n'-mortar pornshop stays in business.

Patton Oswalt— TWO pilots? Have to check youtube.

REALLY looking forward to this. Like some others below, I relate to Maria's emotional difficulties, and seeing Patton on here is a bonus.

Linc had Sacrificial Lamb written all over him as soon as he joined the team.

I still think Jimmy Pesto looks too much like Huey Lewis to make me comfortable hating him.

This was on? This was an actual thing?

I thought they canceled Odd Couple months ago.

Hey, I've been putting up with Peanuts movies and those damned MetLife commercials my whole life, pal. I've got shitloads of empathy.

The comics didn't deserve THAT much respect.

WTF is wrong with Netflix's DVD department lately? Every envelope I get is half open, so I have to tape it closed to send them back. Anyway, watched the Dr. Who season 9 episodes I missed, good stuff.

Pretty sure a couple of bandmembers have OD'd.

Wasn't Catherine of Spain a Moor?

12 seconds is not long enough to decide if the Talking Dog is as nightmarish as the Talking Baby in Baby Bob.

Saw this mentioned on some comic book sites, thought it couldn't be true— DAMMIT.

My pick is this bastard cold I've got. Hate my life.