
It’s a sad but common rite of passage for adult children to have to have “the talk” with aging parents when it’s time to stop driving.”

Well, I’m 50 so my recollections for rock bands are a little before most people’s time but let me tell it anyway.

I think part of why she is so clear and powerful on this stuff is because it’s so personal. One of the stories in her book is about how she miscarried and lost a baby because people at the hospital didn’t believe her when she told them that she felt something was wrong and needed an exam. They made her sit in a

Defense of Marriage Act?

King of opposite name bills are the “Right to Work” bills. Although I guess they do boil down to having the “right” to work two or three jobs with no benefits until you die.

Anti-abortion leaders are changing their slogan from “pro-life” to “pro-science.” An incredible pivot.

Sudden? Haven’t they been dating for like a decade?

But Iowa represents all of middle America, or something.

God I hope so. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Iowa.

God I hate the whole Iowa thing. Can we drop that shit already? It’s archaic and dumb. The Steve King state has done nothing to deserve this attention.

You know, I’m starting to think this Brexit thing was a bad idea...

Imagine you had a job, and that job was for two years to negotiate an agreement with a bloc of 27 nations who all have competing interests while you lead a not entirely united but still cohesive Parliament.

Why didn’t those baby-killers want to have a baby with this stable, non-controlling, definitely probably not abusive man?

Won’t. Discovery is a bitch. 

His client who has a history of raping minors. He married one. He raped another on tape. 

I’m a lawyer. A defense lawyer. This is absolutely not a part of your ethical obligations to your client. You are there to advise them and defend them in court in legal matters. You are not required to be a cheerleader. Claiming in court that the prosecution has failed to meet its burden is required. Publicly

I’m so damn tired of Greenburg always bringing up somebody or something else to try and explain away R. Kelly’s shit. Elvis ain’t on trial; Gaga’s not on trial, either...but your boy’s about to. Believe that.

The red herring of Elvis is pathetic. Try Jerry Lee Lewis, Woody Allen, etc. only one of them lost their career, though. I guess the media really can make/break you!

There’s at least one very obvious way to refute this that we already know of: one of his employees said in the series that he (the employee) had her birth certificate forged so they could be married because...wait for it...they knew she was underage!
