
Nadya Suleman was clearly someone who wasn’t “all there” and that was part of the media’s obsession with her. She was “irresponsible” and “crazy” but Michelle Duggar getting pregnant until she died/until she couldn’t be pregnant anymore was a wholesome narrative about self-sufficiency and “personal accountability”

Like many, I remember the trash circus around this story. The media was going wild and was obsessing over the minutest details of her life. There was a lot of gleeful coverage over how she couldn’t afford all of her children and how!dare!she! use welfare to feed her children when she’d made the choice to have so many.

Right wing people are evil. Its just that simple. All other explanations are exhausted.

Has an obituary ever mentioned that a man got a vasectomy in his obt. Why is birth control even a topic for examination in a person’s obt?

The incompetence of the people at the tops of all these companies is bewildering.

It’s a real testament to how perverse what has been considered acceptable is that the harassment, which sadly wouldn’t be too far from the type of scene that air on a CBS procedural, isn’t considered notable, but Eliza Dushku using word that can’t be aired on broadcast TV was. Until someone else saw it. 

She has always treated terribly in the press. God forbid that the problem lay with Eastwood, that stoic heroic manly man. Sondra deserved far better than a piece of shit obit like this.

This made me take a sharp breath because it so perfectly encapsulates toxic workplaces. 

Yall... it is actually really bad journalism and really misleading to post about a recall for a product and then put a picture of a different, non recalled brand up. The pic is clearly an OB tampon; below is a picture of a Kotex tampon that was recalled:

Also, he fathered two children with a mistress, whom he bought a house in Carmel for and financially supported during his relationship with Sondra (while forcing her to have abortions and get sterilized). Fucking sociopath.

Definitely better looking.  Likely better acting as well.

Apparently on Dark Angel he was dating Jessica Alba when she was 18-19 and he was 30 and that he got Jensen Ackles fired because he didn’t want a competing and possibly better looking love interest for her. sideeye.gif

This is so disrespectful to this woman.

Our local Kimberly Clark that manufactures Kotex just announced it is closing and laying off hundreds of workers. No mention of a recall in the business headline. Imagine that.

I liked him since I first saw him on Dark Angel. I’m bummed to find out he’s an assclown.

I’ve never heard of this guy until now. She’s Faith the Vampire Slayer. 

Weatherly claims both comments were the result of ad-libbing and not meant to be taken seriously.

The video contained cut and dry examples of sexual harassment happening in real time

In the tapes the CBS lawyers showed, they thought that Eliza cursing on set was all the proof they needed to show that SHE was the problem. The video contained cut and dry examples of sexual harassment happening in real time, and it didn’t even register to them that they were shooting themselves in the foot. But a

Cups are contraindicated if you have an IUD, because breaking the vacuum during removal can dislodge the IUD, potentially causing removal of the device or uterine perforation.