It's too big to be a spray station!
It's too big to be a spray station!
Except this film isn't about transhumanism; it's about SCIENCE GOING TOO FAR.
My point is primarily that: What defines us as human now may not apply to "us" as we may be in a decade. At what point does a person stop being human? At what point must we say, "This individual is a sentient, sapient being and should have the rights all sentient, sapient beings are entitled to." At some point, the…
Yeah, I guess Wikipedia trumps the six years I spent studying Law. You're absolutely rightih no wait, you're not. You're stupid enough to mistake a writ of habeas corpus with the actual habeas corpus. Do you also look at the box your TV came in, instead of watching TV?
She's definitely a robot; she has a number of canned responses to any utterance involving the word "robot". It's the variety that's convincing - and the fact that it's recorded conversion, not speech synthesis. But the context recognition part is probably still very primitive. Call her and say your favorite favorite…
This is how it starts, people. First we get our chatbots to sound and act realistic — and then we get them to…
Oh no, I saw the whole thing, including the CrAzY CoNsEqUenCes you foresee and also did not think through fully.
I hope the rest of you read this and took it to heart.
Just an edit: It was President Kennedy's older brother, Joe Kennedy Jr, not father, who died in WWII. [….].
I think they gave up on the Kettering Bug way too early. In WWII the USN returned to the idea of "assault drones" for use against warships. As these were conceptually identical to the Japanese Kamikaze, minus the pilot, they were full aircraft and required a whole carrier deck to launch. This made it a hard sell, but…
If you wear a belt AND suspenders, you're assured your pants will never fall down.
Is it a coincidence that this article was featured in "PNAS?" O.o
"has to pump 35 million times per year for at least five years — and without fail" Maybe eventually we'll just implant like 3 small versions of this, and when one fails one of the other 2 kick in.
Point to this whenever someone tells you that space exploration is wasteful and yields no practical knowledge.
Later in life, you are going to meet a wonderful person and fall in love with them and then they will tell you they're an AI, and you'll be like WUT.
the relationship Theodore has is not with the inanimate object, but with the sentience that is inside that object. and there is an argument to be made that relationships (of the worthy kind) are always with the sentience of someone, more than with the body...
"Note that if the component rock contributes water as on Earth"
19 for Australia isn't too bad, we're above average so at least there's that.
We have a car driving around on mars, with an atmospheric probe on the way. How does landing a rover on the moon put them in the lead?