
In the PNW we have Avants (which is now in Denver, LA, Portland, and soon Scottsdale) and they have changed everything for the culture here. They have a “Drive Everything” motto, and the hard rule that people are simply respectful toward each other. And it works. LaFerraris and 80s Preludes at the same meet-up, and

Buying a car as a status symbol. I don’t mean buying a vehicle and having it as a form of self expression or buying something you’ve always wanted, I mean the idea of buying a car purely to boast your status or because it will make you cool. It won’t, you’re still that insecure person you always were, and now you just

I still can’t make it through the predictable first film without falling asleep; zero desire to see this one.

Same question I had. This is what has got me looking at other options away from GoPro recently. Doesn’t matter what the specs are if it effing turns off. 

Reddick is the only redeeming quality of the new Resident Evil show, and he’s not nearly enough to save from possibly the laziest, most predictable writing I’ve ever seen. Kids ruin everything, kids have to save everything, teen drama, blah blah blah. As a long time Resident Evil fan I powered through it, but it’s

The fact that ADM has become normal has lost all of my interest in anything like this. $110k, sure, but the $150k these will all be sold at just ruins them for me. Same with the new Z06. If I could get one at MSRP I’d be down, but the value is lost for me when the dealers add 25-30% more to the sticker.

My girlfriend was animatedly not an anime fan until I had her watch Your Name and that blew her mind. She still comments on how good it was. I can’t wait for this! Thanks for clearing up what this was about; I was genuinely confused by the first trailer I saw. 

And that whole pro-segregation thing and friends in the KKK thing. 

These comments always blow my mind. Consider this idea for just ONE second. What if I told you Trump AND Biden both suck? Like, they’re fucking awful presidents. You don’t have to like Trump if you hate Biden. You can actually admit they are both possibly some of the worst presidents we have ever had and yet in

If only there was a way to get our own oil instead of buying it from countries that believe being gay is a capital offense. 

It’s still so much better than Carplay. I have an Android work phone and in the car it’s king by miles. 

“I just don’t actually give a shit.” - Everyone about everything when it comes to actions. I kept Spotify. I actually like some of Joe Rogan’s shows, which I started listening to because of all the hate on here and it made me curious. Outside of Fear Factor, I’d never actually listened to anything about Joe Rogan at

Man they just love giving people reasons to keep pirating. Not excusing it - I pay for way too many streaming services, but I totally understand it. This is BS when they have the ability to limit concurrent streams. If you have a family plan, you should be able to stream x number of streams. If you have a individual

Gas prices rising for X unavoidable reason as Summer approaches? Shocking. I’m sure some Democrat or Republican Jesus will come down and save us all around the end of September as usual.

I always tip cash on delivery, and NEVER before. If the service isn’t prompt, I’m sure as hell not paying extra for someone’s bare minimum effort. I was a waiter for years, and you don’t get tips for poor service. 

So like.. every other platform? 

Yes! Redline the anime is ridiculous in a good way and the animation is incredible. I always forget there is the terrible Redline live-action movie that has absolutely nothing to do with the anime. 

You do realize how big America is right and how much many of us have to drive? If we had Europe’s infrastructure we’d drive far less, but that’s YEARS away, so that doesn’t help right now and won’t for a long time. We need to 1) stop depending on oil from Russia and the Middle East when we have a ton of it just north

Yeah, but they weren’t WRC. They see local events as small-time with no real money to be taken. God I hope you’re right, but anything with an ICE is the devil to Washington State government.

I’d be shocked if they didn’t get some kind of pushback or costs from Washington State from the environmental groups. The smaller events are fine, but you bring in something like WRC and they’ll want their pound of flesh.