
You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you? There's a world of difference between drama, which I love in shows, and melodrama, which appeals to idiot kids like yourself. You'd know that if you spent absolutely any time whatsoever paying attention in the English class you're so clearly fucking around in instead.

Are you saying that now that Alyssa Milano has joined a show about summer camp that you hope she gives you Poison Ivy once again?

Prime's been pretty good to me as far as deep cuts go…. with slightly adjusted expectations of course. I've spent hours a couple nights chasing down some strange rabbit holes from one movie description to the bizarre shit that it'll be linked to….. obscure horror, made-for-tv movies from the 80's, etc….

Bond is pretty much one month on, one month off at this point, right?

I like his movies well enough for what they are. But I will say his Halloween II is a work of art…. a goddamn masterpiece. I hated it the first time, and am not even sure why I decided to watch it again. But the second time through I let the wave of glorious batshit wash over me and ended up loving it. Probably

I was halfway through before I realized that was Renée Zellweger. I knew I recognized the voice, and it was driving me nuts. Then it finally clicked, but my brain still fought against pairing the voice with the face. She doesn't look bad at all but very different than she did in everything I've ever seen her in.

Billy Bob! Yes! Glad you were the one to do this one, Will. Would have liked some more Hearts Afire and A Simple Plan, but great job.

Absolutely loved this soundtrack. I've had multiple copies through the years on vinyl, cassette, and CD. Some very good memories… also a lot of driving while brooding listening to this right after I got my license. See also: Crockett's Theme.

Show's done for if they ever write him out. That said, even with him in it tonight's episode felt like an afterschool special. It also took a hard turn into Arrow territory with all stupid, unnecessary melodrama that got me to quit watching that 2 seasons ago. I'm glad Wells is back. And I'm glad Barry and Iris

Where's Wiener-dog?

:D Sure, no problem.

Still pretty violent I think, even though I'm fine with it. If it bothers you then I definitely wouldn't suggest jumping back it. Plus there's the implied violence such as when Penguin feeds his step-mother her own children.

I am sad that it took that long for someone to make that joke after I lobbed it right over the plate.

The bad man.

I'm guessing just the chance to completely ham it up. He's clearly having fun being way weirder than he already normally is.

That is the question. Ba dum tshhhh

Normally I'm with you. Even when I was a teenager I couldn't stand teenagers… unless of course they were being played by 20somethings in John Hughes movies. But there's something about the two of them I like.

Oh Christ.. that's just adorable.

I know. I was agreeing with you. I had the exact same turnaround with her.

Batshit crazy Barbara is the best. Erin Richards looks like she's having the time of her life.