Proof that you only need that one person in your life.
Proof that you only need that one person in your life.
Station as a pair look like two nutsacks and his combined form is not much better. Hard pass
1. with a little practice it looks viable, but same is true with clippers.
I get a real Elvis Costello vibe from this.
Let’s insist that it’s the Kardashians for other stupid reasons. Probably be a better movie...
I get it all sans cilantro. You’re right, it just takes over the taste.
Zombieland 2 is pretty horrible, other then the ditzy blonde. Jumanji II real bad too. I wish Wonder woman II dropped on demand. Would’ve made a mint
Also not to beat a dead horse but anyone who reads The Fountainhead, slogs through over 700 pages. Hard to do that if your not a voracious reader. Don’t get me wrong I’m very liberal, but love Rand for her emphasis on self accountability.
So you don’t think Kerouac and the Beat generation, completely influenced the Hippy generation? That’s good, no need to argue further because you’re dim.
I don’t get why people bash Ayn Rand so hard. The Fountainhead is a great book and she a good author with strong ideas. It’s like if you were to blame Kerouac for drugs and hippies because he wrote On the Road. Give credit where it’s due but not too much for good or ill, ya know. Maybe add your own ideas even, instead…
is that mrs. incredible’s ass getting “support”, I can’t tell.
Deplorables is as dumb a term as libtards. Grow up and outta this shit.
The opening of Wolv Origins was some of the best X-Men stuff put to film. I think The Wolverine was way worse, most X films were worse imo... Is Pootytang a super hero flick cuz that's the shit
This is the only Disney remake I'll actually watch. The trailer looks amazing.
I literally haven’t seen a full trailer for this movie until seeing this article. I don’t get how this happened. Maybe youtube premium can be a bad thing? Kinda psyched to see it now, not that I wasn’t aware of it, but the trailer is great
Is there one comment that’s about the actual article? Women’s comments are hilarious
The deleted scene for Clint and Nat was way better. Them getting overwhelmed. Thanos looming. Then Nat makes her sacrifice and Clint is spirited away. I dont know why they chose that Loony Tunes race to death.
You say that, but LGBTQ characters have far more representation in tv and films than Asian ones. What is Asia but about 1/3 to 1/2 of world population?
I had to watch The Rocketeer on day 1.
Taika actually directed the final episode...