
isn’t this a little kids’ game?


the hell is wrong with all of you? this looks great. it may not be the spiderman vs venom movie we wanted, but what they’re doing with the character looks pretty fucking cool. seriously reading the comments here sometimes is worse than youtube, you’re a bunch of bloody downers.

>clearly this view of the universe is problematic and hideously smug.

why does it matter to you, or anyone, whether or not the AP is ‘obvious’ or not? water is wet, obvious but still a valid statement.

I’d rather just forget the hobbit movies even exist, every time I read ‘the hobbit movies’ I just cringe a little.

this comment should be printed and framed somewhere.

I’m stealing this.

I’ll start watching when it is.

that Solo casting tho...

I’m convinced she’s just a life model decoy because they couldn’t get another human being to do the job. I bet the computers just kernel fault themselves when they are asked to do it.

>Seriously, enough of your life is probably all about women, dating, relationships, etc... You REALLY need that stuff in your games to? Don’t you ever get tired?

>Seriously, enough of your life is probably all about women, dating, relationships, etc... You REALLY need that stuff in your games to? Don’t you ever get tired?

I remember back when we had yellow stars. I had a star. :( It’s gone now.

The cgi hair was fine.. for all of 10 seconds it was on screen.

They look so cheap and tacky.


People love to rag on things other people like, that’s just the way of the world. It’s kind of sad really when they haven’t even watched the show in years (so they claim, which I find highly doubtful when they find the energy to come and post in the comments on a post about the damn show).

yeah, from both sides. asshole.

I can’t even see a video. just a white space on the page.