
>a wealthy god

Only one on the list I’ve seen -are any others on the list just as good?

nice picture of a PANASONIC desk. how about that robot that one day might carry shit around warehouses? no pics of that? seems like you forgot to bring the gadgets too.

I am smug in that I never used it anyway.

why bother watching something you aren’t even enjoying? just stop

There’s no such thing as bad ketamine

who cares? anyone who buys this shit is a retard. fuck EA.

release date?

Damn, the all the Old Guard are all gone now aren’t they?

Please post an update when this is due for release so I don’t forget about it. Usually add things like this to my google calendar so I don’t miss it but there’s no release date so, up to you io9.

Now playing

Starship Troopers post? Another chance to link this EXCELLENT MUSIC VIDEO.


This is a large part of Stoicism, the dichotomy of control, I’ve been practicing for about 2 years now and yet knowing all the axioms, adages, etc etc, it doesn’t help when it comes to crunch time. My heart races, I know it’s just a physiological, unneccessary reaction, but as I say, knowing all this stuff just

wh...what? this is the first I’ve seen who is going to be playing Han, and... he looks like that? dafuq?

you’re far from the first person to make the comparison

wow nice reply jackass

I thought those pebbles in the top image were Culture drones.

Until the show or something official says otherwise that’s my head canon for it anyway, I mean that’s how it looks to me. I think if the entire ring was spinning we’d see the windows on the lower layers of the ring spin with it also, which is why I think it’s just a section of outer hull, possibly even specifically

The rotating parts from that gif just look like the uppermost ‘layers’ (outer hull) of the ship. I seriously doubt the ENTIRE inner rings, crew quarters and all etc, are spinning. It’s just the outer hull.

Fucking cool.