
I agree, this episode was amazing, Discovery is great, and io9 can suck a lemon for their constant bashing of it. I mean holy fuck, we finally have a Trek show on TV to discuss LIVE for the first time in years, sure it doesn’t exempt it from criticism, but holy fucking shit it just makes me irrationally angry that I’m

True, I could also just do it on my RPi.

so could you stick a cartridge in that’s got an SD-card slot or something with roms on?

Now playing

I saw this reaction vid on reddit the other day,

>for a manufaturer it’s good as well since it gets rid of parts that take up to much space in your phone

By doing awesome, we become awesome ourselves.

I was watching ‘Cherry 2000' last night. It’s set in “post apocalyptic 2017 california”.

Not knowing anything about TDT before watching the movie I was surprised at the massive scale and scope of the story, I can see why they had trouble adapting it well, although I still enjoyed the movie and will probably read the books now because of it.

how do you sign up? I just signed up on coinbase but how do I get coinflash / signup for it / get the app / whatever? their website has no helpful info on this.

how exactly do you sign up? I can’t find out on the site..

I get stranger things because it’s a series, but this is a movie.. a horror movie. next we’ll be hearing about an IT/Pennywise Cinematic Universe or something. Jesus.

Childeren of the Corn 7: Scarecrow

can we get a TL;DR of that comment? eesh dude.

I really don’t like Jared Leto.


I’ve not watched much anime for years, aside from Attack on Titan/Knights of Sidonia - can someone throw a few good recent series/movies at me? I like shonen stuff, mecha, action etc. Not really into slice of life / harem type stuff.

I’ve maintained since the episode aired that it’s not fire at all, it’s basically just firing magic missiles or something. The wall practically EXPLODES, it doesn’t melt.

can you remind me about this piano scene? totally forgotten it

>only the first one is good

Control was a great character - I saw myself in him a lot. Remember when he finds Whitby’s secret hideout in the attic, and turns, in the dark, to find Whitby on the shelf just staring at him? He says nothing and just slowly nopes out of there. Creepy. as. fuck.