
"Earlier this week, as family members of Sandy Hook victims were denouncing Kelly and advertisers began pulling out of her show,"

I can't remember them going to Florida. What were they doing there?

I thought you were gonna share

I actually liked Sky High more than The Incredibles and I didn't like the animation that much, I don't think Pixar draws humans very well. But that's just me. I think Robots is a pretty good film.

I think people are turned off because they think the Cars were made to sell toys, they think it's a cheap merchandising grab. But again, people are selective about those biases. Not many people held that against Toy Story or Monsters Inc or lately Angry Birds Movie and Lego Movie in the non-pixar department.

It's not like Doc Hollywood is anywhere close to being a famous film that has survived the test of time. I think that's more like an independent discovery. If they ripped off Casablanca or something, that would be more of a big deal.

I like Cars quite a bit, and maybe a bit more than Toy Story (which just never resonated with me beyond the voice work of Hanks and Tim Allen). I like that Pixar films have unconventional themes and in this case, it's about themes related to urban planning. How cool is it to teach kids about how the interstate

Go for it…

Ep3 of which season?

i don't know if it's an obsession. it's just more like a fun fact that I once substitute taught at her high school. I have an unusual amount of pride for local celebrities and tend to overestimate how well I know their back stories.

"Sony—which launched the program with 24 older movies, including Pixels, Ghostbusters, Talladega Nights, and 50 First Dates—defends the use of the previously edited versions, and says it got the individual directors’ consent for each one. "

Yeah, the rumor is she got fired from SNL and part of the reson was she was advised to lose weight in the offseason and didn't do it. Something ghastly and weird

I could swear Casey Wilson is at least 37 unless she skipped grades in HS. I saw her HS yearbook because I substitute taught at the high school she went to (TC Williams HS of Remember the Titans fame).

I think she graduated High School in 97 so her being 36 would be kind of funny. I know this because I substitute taught in TC Williams in Alexandria, VA (school was also famous for Remember the Titans fame) and one day I asked to glance at her high school yearbook when i heard the SNL star had graduated from TC

I believe zero sponsors will pull out. It's Julius freaking caesar

Damn, what an idiotic thing for the right to do. Lately, I feel like it's the ultra-sensitive sectors of the left doing all the whining with all their cultural appropriation talk (can someone explain to my why that's a bad thing?) and I would have said that the theater shouldn't capitulate to the left, but this is by

Entire series are set in people going to college. There's tons of room to explore and it was a natural life decision for her. Besides, she could have moved to being a part-time off-campus student so there would have been a work-home balance. I'm annoyed that the writers don't have real positive long-term arcs for

then why did they start the plot?

I can't even remember Lillian's arc outside of the romance. That's how not memorable this season was, and I'm pissed that they took Kimmy away from college

Kimmy flunking out of Columbia was dumb and not how colleges or academic probation work. You don't go on and off academic probation in the middle of a semester anyway. It was also annoying to see the writers get such whiplash with the characters. Both Titus and Kimmy change are changing directions so constantly, it's