
Not that many jokes. I thought it was an uneven season to a great show. All the infrastructure is in place for a great season when they turn it on though

Yeah but perhaps scoring in the domestic box office is a badge of pride. Also. Not all films are that translatable internatiobally


I feel like ordering Hawaii pizza right now. My only reservation is that version from LA famiglia at airports that's stuffed w ricotta cheese

I believe the newswire is incorrect. The pineapple on pizza controversy was in 2016, not "this past February"

Whenever I see RIP, I'm worried it will be someone of Roger Moore and Adam West caliber. If this is the tail end of rule of 3 I can live with this.

I don't think Seinfeld seems like that great of a guy. He seems a bit conceited and to be fair, I've thought that for a long time (I thought he was rude to Seth Meyers to and some random interviewer). It's not particularly relevant to me whether he's self-conscious about it as evidenced by him making a show about it.

I thought there was like a deeper joke

I'm glad they didn't bring the Spanish caricature mole woman but bought the other two who were pretty rich characters

I couldn't even remember who Russ was. Jackie's plot this season was so massively forgettable. I think the only thing that worked for me this season was Kimmy and college and Judah free Flanders character. And xan's return was awesome

Sorry, idiot here, not that I don't know what the golden age of TV or Americans is but why was that line funny?

Titus and Cindee was the best part. I agree not much of a thread, pretty weak season but I have every confidence s4 will be good

This movies plot is so nonexistent, it could sub in for a lot of different movies

I want to hate on the AV Club for being the bearer of bad news. Couldn't you have just let me enjoy my weekend?

i fucking know. and look:" show of got spelled snowman

You know, Bill Maher's audience isn't the uber-sensitive commentariat that dominate these boards anyway

God no

Bill Maher's a shock jock tell-it-like-it-is, he shouldn't be fired, he's the left's equivalent to a lot of terrible shit. if the uber-sensitive branch of the liberal party starts calling for his resigantion, then all the left will have left is people who want to cater to political correctness.

Well, at least it's a snowman good faith.

Yeah but rather than it or whatever the save sense8 movement used, they should have tried crowdsfunding like a few yrs ago w firefly or Veronica mars