

I like D W-S. I don't care of they take speeches or do whatever they want in the private sector

Reine has been terrible. He's legitimized evil actions, yeah.

I thought he had a relatively honorable career in the Senate for several decades and colleagues in the senate genuinely felt that way from ppl I know on capitol hill. So I'm only torn bc I think he was a reasonable choice when he took the position and voiced that despite much opposition on these boards.

Noel Wells/Paul Britain presidency 2020!

Who's that?

OK. Open question: if it were up to you: who would you want to be banned from public office again after trump dries over?

They could also just get off board a sinking ship. Why are so few of them thinking of that. At least I give Burr credit

With that name, how can you resist? He was freakin awesome yday

Yes, I'm not sure if I mentioned this in the last post but maybe Jason chaffetz and Lindsay Graham and mitt Romney and Ben Sasse and Jeff flake and burr are all really rotten. I might be wrong. Hope in some of the more reasonable sounding republicans is a choice I make. It could be wrong or right but its a necessity

I'd rather not question him for that. It's in the past. I believe he's a n apolitical public servant and our argument that his words matter on that hinges on that so there's strategic value

The nation needs two parties and I don't see anything wrong with conservative principles being I'm the conversation or being an option to voters as long as its not encouraging hate or eroding trust in the public institutions (they stepped way over that line this election cycle)

Actually,re read it, it specifically says so above. Not only did he do nothing wrong, he did nothing newsworthy. Shame on avc

That's not specifically in response to my charge that bringing up Comey as the guy who slayed Hillary Clinton and pretending he did it intentionally screws over your argument that he's apolitical which is what we're trying to say now.

Considering people are watching this everywhere, is this hour breaking nielsen records or topping prime time shows at the moment, you guys think?

My two cents: We need to drop that storyline ASAP. It takes away from the credibility that Comey is a man of integrity anyway. W/Hillary, he did his job as he always does w/integrity and good intentions even if he made a mistake. A number of congressmen like Chris Collins and Orrin Hatch are saying that the democrats,

That's more of a problem with society as a whole than anyone company and I don't think any company should have to supply benefits. That's why I strongly favor socialism, Obamacare, and all that stuff. I don't think a company's entitled to pay you benefits.
Also, as someone who's taken retail jobs with far worse

I think you misunderstand me. I think you should totally call out liberals (I identify as liberal centrist). I just assumed you all liked Arianna Huggington, I've never heard ppl badmouth her

Well, no ones suggesting ppl have to work for uber, a lot do because it's a good deal for them. It's called the free market. Have you ever thought at redirecting your anger towards, I don't know, the taxicab industry? A company that commits fraud? Literally anything else?

What is the inexcusable behavior? I'm sure it goes without saying that the room wasn't in use. It's almost as if this uber CEO turned down a chance to play pick a choice and avc can't get over the snub