
This is the biggest nonstory I've ever seen. You guys have an inexplicable hatred for this uber CEO. It's mostly a bottomup company anyway, I love my uber drivers

I was assuming you all loved Arianna Huffington, what's not to love? She's super woman-of-the-people and a trailblazer

I actually meant Downey, goddamn cell phone typo

Yeah, that's sort of the problem with this site. Isn't film and tv criticism about discovering what a work is and judging it on its own terms? You guys are too often judging content by whether it's "making a stand" for feminism enough to your liking:

Downey is cheap?

Critics and Oprah gate sort of painted him into that corner. Cruise has always been a smart man and producer who followed the market. We'lol always have Tropic Thunder

He liked the Happening? Wow, that's pretty insane. He built up 4 and a half decades of good will by the time he passed away, but on the otehr hand he liked "the happening" I'm torn

Wait, this has a 10 and a half minute trailer? Is that longer than the actual movie?

i thought the brutality was a bit tough, it was kind of depressing to see humanity just want to destroy each other,and seemed to stretch the limit of believability, but maybe that's just me

Yeah but there are tons of low-premise shows like Casual, Togetherness, This is Us, Parenthood, etc, that have little to no premise and are simply just about ordinary people being people

This one could really use it. The movie didn't live up to its potential.

Plus, Snowpiercer is more of a TV series idea than a movie idea. The film was too absurd of an idea without lots and lots of exposition. This is a show where they can sprinkle in a lot of world-building

Yeah that was pretty funny w his step count and his "what am I a mermaid or a baby" and I'm impressed w Tina Feys ingenuity and ambition when it comes to casting: who would've thunk Ray Liotta? (Then again Just Shoot Me had a lot of fun w him back when) but I feel like there isn't much meat to these plots.

You have no desire to litigate the impeachment? What does litigate mean?

that's fair. I think there's been a couple discussions that have been far-reaching for me in which people talk about how to "cure toxic masculinity" in which they talk about men condescendingly like untrained dogs who need to be bought about to a line of more narrowly and narrowly defined feminism as if they have no

misogny? Not by the principal players,
It was consensual adultery and in the case of the fallout some of the big villains to Lewinsky were Hillary Clinton (for trying to discredit her) and Tripp for portraying her.

Was it like Alec Baldwin/Melissa McCarthy/Larry David/Tina Fey or did they ever have a regular cast member in it? Who played Lewinsky?

Monica Lewinsky is pretty intelligent and gets a real bad rap. She did a great ted talk about cyber bullying which spoke a lot of power since she waw cyberbullied before the term even existed

I would definitely watch this, but why not a TV series? This is the kind of juicy stuff playing on our 90s nostalgia that could be humongous like people vs oj

haha, actually an inventory about great films about female friendship would be quite welcome (for that matter inventory about great films about male friendship) would be quite welcome