
I once asked out a young woman named Meredith Dake (now Meredith dake oconnor) who worked at breitbart, I don't think she seemed that crazy to me. Just a regular hill reporter

Well I guess I'm lucky bc I know nothing about him. I'm just vaguely familiar w the name and that it's followed by the word experiment in some contexts? Guess I didn't miss much?

Not that I like Ticket Carlson, but why does Alex Mclevy think Tucker will invite him on his show?

Like who?

Gilligan's Island?

So they let the food editor Kevin comment on politics but not all the site's great freelancers? Boo!

He's like 86, damn, doesn't he know that if he doesn't do this, the story will be told anyway by Peter Berg/Mark Wahlberg?

I love Rachel Leigh Cook! She's so beautiful too, cool that she's doing something

Yeah, but she tried to traumatize all of the people with an equivalency saying they were all responsible when Jessica wasn't as responsible and she seemed way too sharp and intelligent to not do that and seem a bit twisted/perverse.

yeah, but how many people make it to the 13th episode of a 13 hour series. Not everyone has that much spare time, and especially teenagers might not watch things to the end.

and that was pretty inconsistent too (warning I'm 5 episodes in) on an acting/character level, don't you think? She wasn't that much of a social outsider. She's extremely charming and every single attempt she made to make a friend turned out well. She had a friend when she first moved to town named Kat that

Yeah, but that's at the end of a whopping 13 hours of portraying suicide as the ultimate artistic statement and way to dominate over the people who misunderstand you which could potentially inspire a lot of emo kids the wrong way

I had to cover a double suicide once and it was the most hostile thing I've ever done in journalism. Two separate students decided to commit suicide at a local high school spaced close enough together that they decided that was news, and the kids hated my presence because I think they had some bad media coverage of it

It's a psuedo-horror show, the narrator Hannah is going for payback though IMO, I mean she rigs it like a horror movie so they are all blackmailed to listen to her extremely long suicide note in detail and on occasion pay for their consequences

It's even worse than what you're imagining if you watch the series. It portrays suicide as some sort of grand artistic statement that can finally get you noticed and give you power in death, which sounds like the ultimate fantasy

yeah, and why are the kids who did minor and not illegal things worried?

I just said "I get why you might hate that a sports athlete is overpaid" as a way of conceding the point to the person who didn't think much of athletes

Well, the dynamics of men's/women's sports in popularity and the fact that a man is president (and personally I agree w you that sexism played a role) are two separate cans of worms. The question is whether the president awarding sports teams is mysogonistic and that would only be the case if the presidency didn't

Yeah I googled around a bit more. I think tragically either his sister or his father's parole is coming up soon, and he has to relive the painful ordeals by continuing to testify to keep them both in prison.

If you want to love the movie, good for you. I think you're overgeneralizing on all white people stinking and I personally don't think that's useful toward speaking or assessing white people (especially when there's political stuff at stake and there is pretty good evidence that voters are turned off by smug liberal