
I probably sound douchy, sorry. andno i haven't seen the movie, i was just using the reviewer's words to make a bit of a joke w/ a little bit of underpinning of critique. I probably have a hard time not sounding douchey bc I have a little bit of a different belief than many other users here. I don't think everything's

Damn, and he also had two half-brothers who died on the same day in a highly unusual scuba diving incident.

Details on shark attack here:…
It's not specifically known
whether it was a shark attack, and only one got "eaten by a shark" but
both his half-brothers died in the incident which is pretty freaking

I guess the details about the shark attack were here:…
It's not specifically known whether it was a shark attack, and only one got "eaten by a shark" but both his half-brothers died in the incident which is pretty freaking unusual

well, if you liked the movie that's totally fine, i just sounded like it was an unappealling/condescending approach to making a movie

I think it comes down to time commitment. John Leguazimo couldn't remember his voice over role in some movies when he was being interviewed in a career retrospective either

Isn't this series mostly amounting to Nathan Rabin hitting celebrities when they're down ? Most of his family was taken away from him and it isn't even mentioned here that his two brothers were attacked by a shark attack with one dying. The odds of that happening are astronomically low alongside all the other bad

Kevin Love wouldn't go if his teammates didn't go. He's not a horrible person.

Why is there a pic of George W Bush up there?

They are overpaid so I understand hating athletes on that basis, but the entire premise of professional sports is that you get rewarded and honored if you win, so it makes sense you get a bonus prize and going to the white house isn't like you're getting extra millions of dollars so it's not like they're being

I think many of the people on this board take liberalism to extremes that I view as plain wrong, and yes, I will not shy away from those views. I think your efforts to be inclusive of African-Americans/minorities/women/LGBT often seems to be accompanied by a disturbing undercurrent of intellectual exclusivity, though

I guess it's just more of a personal preference, and would concede that they might have to do a hurdle or two. Maybe, she would be romantically linked to a character or maybe she'd get an extra job working at the firm.

good point

Andy wasn't w April in S2

I wasn't even that hard on the reviewer. If you want to entertain an actual discussion, I welcome anything you have to say. if not, f you too

But she's such a good character to me. Chris Pratt could have been written off P and R if you went solely by narrative function

It's one thing to hate Chris Brown but ARH spent the "review" talking about what a black snow should and shouldn't do and support (and I certainly don't agree w her opinion that the black community is proportionally devoid of representation on TV in 2017) that got pretty political.

Doesnt the fact that ONeals came first and Speechless sort of coopts the formula (a witty marginalized kid, a school official becoming part of the family, mom being the biggest comic relief) count against it?

So you're saying a side character is no use unless they're a romantic interest to someone? You don't eve n like a little ambiguity?

I agree. It's a good review and inaccurate title.