
So here's a question: what is the best source to go to when you are thinking of jumping into a TV season after either not having watched the previous season, not remembering the previous season, or not having finished the previous season.

Yeah that guy who said captain pickard was his idol would have ensured that he would never be in the in crowd until well after 12th grade

Kind of gave up on Archer last season which is odd considering it was my favorite show during the Archer vice season. I just found the detective agency stuff cliched and boring and that made me fall out w the characters

Wheres trial and error?

Was it ever an option inside Romero's head to go to the new Sheriff and proclaim his innocence?

I mean hasn't every person in his family been killed now except this one brother? I think he'd rather just get his brother to the insane assylum

I don't even understand how there's even a gray line, Norman has murdered half the town by now, to abet that is pretty cut and dry horrible. Not to mention he kind of abetted in torturing Caleb

I watched this on dvr and bc the recording kept fucking stopping before the end and I wanted to make sure it got to the end I watched it 5 or 6 times and even then, I missed it, or maybe I didn't see it all the way to the end?

I'm not at the end of the episode yet…but I just passed the part where Dylan is trying to convine some lady that his brother is a good guy and I feel like that's a running current of this show. I mean, he's a complex guy…yes, but damn, he's a guy who needs to be punished for killing lots and lots of people at this

yeah but i also like the discussion, will you all respond?

Totally 100% agree. And I can't stand so many of them because of the arrogance of thinking your life is that interesting, but this has a lot more to it: the religion/secular struggle, the newly divorced thing, the love for the comedy community, and the couch-surfing angles.

Kind of glad they're covering this, but come on, I'm not up to epsiode 10 yet, slow down!
What's the hurry?

kind of wondering who played the pastor

Lots of good guest casting. Liked the pastor character a lot.

I've only been able to watch twice. I don't have HBO so I watched it when i was at a hotel a few weeks ago and discovered it, and I watched it now while with my family in Florida for the passover vacation. My dad looked up from the newspaper he was reading at the breakfast table of my uncle's house and said "Orrin,

If the store is a soulsucking work environment or one that's overly governed by commercial interests, then go full force with that. At least make cloud9 memorable in some way

Who is that? References my favorite 90s commercial

I don't see why the store itself can't be more interesting. The store in one hour photo was haunting and sparse, the store in raising hope had regional character, the store in good girl was depressing, I wish they'd do something interesting w the setting and make it a character

There's far worse cases than that littered all over tv