Maybe it will be like the Deep Thought computer in the Hitch Hikers Guide To the Galaxy. Then we'll have to build an even bigger computer.
Maybe it will be like the Deep Thought computer in the Hitch Hikers Guide To the Galaxy. Then we'll have to build an even bigger computer.
Well,hell, where did Noah get the money to help him build the Ark? Oh yeah, I forgot he had rock monsters to help him.
How about a triffid story? I hate zombies too, but if I can come up with some other kind of mindless horror ,that walks around and destroys civilization, how about that?
I don't know how an advanced civilization would be using that kind of power. Although the different types of civilizations are determined by the way they use power. We aren't even a type one civilization. I'm betting that it is a natural phenomena with no link at all to intelligent beings. I'm not ruling out the…
You beat me too it. I was thinking the same thing. I live in Colorado Springs where part of the story is set and I know pretty much where Tesla's laboratory would have been. It wouldn't have been on top of Pike's Peak. I enjoyed that movie in spite of the stuff they get wrong. They did screw neon tubes into the…
I know what the news is! The news is that the Vogon constructor fleet is here.
Before Edwin Hubble they didn't even know those other galaxies were out there. It's funny because they thought that the Milky Way was all there was.
I'm disappointed the show may not be back. If I live, I'll be 100 years old in March of 2048. I'm wondering if any of it will be like the real thing. I was fascinated by the 3D printers in the last episode. What the hell was the wall that they keep talking about? It was mentioned in a few of the episodes,but I must…
I read that wrong.
I have the Man in Space series. It's great. They were made before there was a NASA.
So the rabbit is gone to bunny heaven but the heart keeps going? If I have one of these and my head gets squashed in an industrial accident, does this mean my body would go on living?
That was mean. I still laughed though, but I felt guilty for doing it.
Sensory deprivation is much more effective. Your mind can come up with better things to fear than rat cages.
Hey I remember that guy. What ever happened to him?
What if we're the first civilization to achieve this level of advancement in our galaxy? What if it's extremely rare for intelligent life to exist? What if it's so rare that it only happens once in 400 billion star systems? You'd have to go to Andromeda to find another one and they're 2 million light years away. I…
I really feel that Bill Nye did an outstanding job tonight. Ken Ham failed miserably on several points. It is very easy to prove that a Great Flood did not occur. There are pyramids that are that old and there are civilizations older than that. His assertion that you have to be there in person to know something is…
Do any of you realize that both Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin were both born on the same day in the same year? Just an interesting little factoid.
I hope the Koch brothers are as incompetent otherwise I feel that we are all screwed.
I live in Colorado Springs. My plan for any potential nuclear blast is to roll a joint,open a bottle of Boone's Farm that I have been saving for a special occasion, and go out on my front porch which faces Cheyenne Mountain. This is the same plan I had for the 70s,80, and 90s.