
If you hated apple then why would you want to make it look like OS X?

I think we need to put one of thowes stickers on Steve Job's car.

When I read the article on it yesterday I immediately downloaded it and im glad i did.

Parts of this look like stop motion, I don't believe this is one 210 hour clip.

@SkippyTheMarine: Not a dslr, mine overheats after about 3 hours and shuts off.

@lucasway89: Maybe they did a thing where all the people where in little clumps and moved around so its they are less visible?

Wake me up when they make one for the 5D Mark II.

Thugs get low approval raitings

@futureboy: I had the same problem when updating to 4.0.1, You just have to keep trying, i got it to work after like 10 tries.

Does this mean I should switch over to Bing?

@ignacio reyes: Well in IOs 4.1 there is email based facetime, so either iPod Touch/Ipad is getting a camera/cameras or maybe computer to iPhone FaceTime?

@danielkza: It will probably me the same or lower price than the current ones(ie. They will drop the 8 gig on and make a 16 gig one for $200

@talkingstove: it would make sense because they make more money off of a iPhone, but I would think it's just cheaper to use the iPhone 4's display than to design and build a whole new one.

@pist: Update: confirmed.

That sounds just like the iPhone, well I guess the iPod touch is based off of the iPhone.