
Check the news feed, the new teaser is up.

Personally I found the twist to be very amusing, but a friend of mine didn’t. Then again, he also wasn’t a fan of Captain Marvel’s whole “the Skrulls are just refugees and not villains” thing. Just can’t please some comic book fans.

It “wasn’t that bad” in the same sense that “boys will be boys”, with regard to sexual harassment perpetrated by men in power.

I would have serious questions about how they found out that Shinji keeps restarting the apocalypse. Kaworu/SEELE at the end of 1.11 I sort of hand-waved’s SEELE.

Oops. It’s been a while since I watched 3.33! I actually liked 3.33, but getting thrown in was definitely a head scratcher.

3.33 showed that Nerv already has made fake Angels to combat whatever the hell Wunder (Ritsuko and Misato’s new organization) is up to. So the Vatican making new Angels is... Sensible in that Nerv was always a worldwide organization.

I already do have less tchotchkes, at least compared to people that share their collection online (gundam model kits). Where people have multiple shelves of kits filled to the brim with kits (... Seriously, a shelf has like, at least 20?), I just have 10 or so.

Eh, 2.0 was much less of a fuck you than 3.0, and the latter certainly divided the fanbase. I could see 3.0+1.0 confirming the theory but also lambasting the theorists (including myself) for putting stock into it in the first place, or being part of the problem of perpetuating the (meta-) cycle.

Oh yes, Sadamoto’s....I haven’t read it but I did hear it’s slightly happier. The “Dark Tower” style loop is the current fan theory that has enough detractors and supporters that the latter are really hoping it gets ironed out in 3.0+1.0....or at least, I’m hoping it gets ironed out.

Yep, that’s entirely fair!

Considering Eva’s (current) endings are either:

Number 2....I see what you did there.

0 huh. Wow. 

I agree that seeking help can be scary (and expensive??? Not sure what his mental health coverage is like in the States) but publically suffering while doing nothing about it is simply...

I’ll just point out that a bit of empathy goes a long way, but I do want to know what steps he’s taken to actually get better? It seems it’s been happening for about 8 months, and yes, people should absolutely seek help when they feel they’re ready. I sure hope he is actively seeking that help though.

Oh man, reading all of this made me think of that Animal Crossing web comic that pops around every once in a while. You know, this one.

Anything made after the old EU wipe is pretty much Canon, including but not limited to...

I’ll give her this: when she was talking to Jon about knowing what’s right vs wrong, she definitely had that look of wonderment that comes from finally achieving a goal after so long. She did well with that scene.

While you’re right that the writer might be the only thing that keeps his friend afloat, that just points to the need for the writer to talk about boundaries (which, again, as others point out, the writer wasn’t sure what to do and thus sought advice). People helping others is great and needed, but the writer’s friend

Screw the rules, he has money!