
Is losing to the Jags in the Conference Championship game really “on top”?

I had totally forgotten about nickelba k

I vote Louis C.K. play the role of Weinstein.

Definitely read the subtitles in Gilbert Gottfried’s voice.  

It’s like a real-life version of the the frog/pelican poster that my 8th grade teacher had hanging in his classroom.


I haven’t seen a Dolphin choke that bad since Ray Finkle.

This is the happiest moment in the history of any 60 person pop and lock dance crew

So you want Will Sasso doing play-by-play while impersonating Al Pacino.

I would have settled for this

-10 celsius, thats spring t-shirt weather here in Canada

Ya think? Carson Palmer and his last legs aren’t much of a QB. Fitzgerald hasn’t had a #2 since Anquan left. The best RB during his tenure was either a rookie David Johnson or a past-his-prime Chris Johnson. And Arians still won over 60% of his games.

Not sure which is better...the reactions of the Bills fans or the sweet “Mexico is the Shit” jacket

There needs to be a movement to have the Nathan Bedford Forrest National Park renamed. That seems as offensive, if not more so, than a statute. C’mon Tennessee.

Points for the word shitfuckular.

Nah, Matt Lauer is a dull, sucking void. Eisen at least has some level of personality and intelligence. Their hairlines synched up pretty well over the years, though.