
I would argue Nill though. He has a talented team for some reason he keeps hiring old ass coaches who aren’t with the times.

If OAR doesn’t get the gold medal then there hopes will be completely Shattered and they will 100% turn that car around.

Man this Reuben is in a real saucy situation.......hopefully the 49ers aren’t Sauerkraut about it!

Seriously. As an avid curler I dare you to stretch out on a sheet of ice, push off and carefully slide a rock dead centre into a circle the size of a frying pan. All while curling it around just perfectly past something blocking it. It takes the precision of golf to pull that off.

This will be the perfect team for the Raptors to beat in the finals!

Of course Kendall Jenner would ruin a perfectly mediocre song. But this one just inspires a WTF response.

My god at this point I have to imagine McDaniels is getting the head coaching job in New England eventually. Otherwise this move literally blackballs him from being a head coach for any other team in the NFL. Nobody in there right mind can trust this guy again.

A couple of buddies of mine are.....accompanying see the Raptors later on this month you dick. Don’t fuck with my team! lol

This is what I hate about LeBron. When things get a little difficult his team be bolts to create the next “super-team”. That is not leadership and it is the cowards way out.

Really? Phoenix couldn’t put in a claim? lol hes better than 90% of the roster.

For the love of god please let them sign Jared Lorenzen aka “The Pillsbury Throwboy”. I would watch every game to see that man scramble.

For the love of god can we just all agree that the Jaguars aren’t awful now? Everybody shits on this team but they have the exact same type of team as the Denver Broncos when they won a couple years ago. Defense! Defense! Defense!

What I watched on replay 90 times over way Case Keenum’s reaction when he threw the pass:

Favourite memory of these retread washouts was I went to a minor hockey league game in Toronto when Peters played for the Hershey Bears. It was a playoff game and our seats were right beside his net. We were chirping him drunk so hard he let in 5 goals and broke his stick...........seemed more epic at the time.

I have a feeling this article will not get a lot of views which is a shame because this post deserves soooo many stars.

I love this show for so many reasons but the top one is that they always rip the Jags lol

Oh yeah. He would definitely get along with the Bills Mafia.

All of them discussing politics would be one of the greatest things on television. The amount of idiocy would be mind blowing!

I agree he isn’t a terrible QB. Definitely serviceable. But I am pretty positive if you break those yards down by quarter and score at the time of the throws, the good bulk of that will be in the second half when they are losing by a decent margin.

Absolutely agree with you. I find it amazing how they have built this team from the ground up, not trying to fuck the tax payers in the process to do so. Great ownership group that genuinely cares about the community. This will pay huge dividends in the long run.