
Coming from a Leafs fan, go fuck yourself. Until last year we were consistently one of the worst teams in the league lol

Oh my fuck combine that with a Goldberg jersey from The Mighty Ducks and you would be the king of shinny.

In all fairness he is like the Matt Lauer of the NFL Network.

I work in private aviation and the requests you get can go from simple to the absolute ridiculous.

Zach Mettenberger hahaha

The amount of jealousy I have for your arrangement is insane right sir are living the good life

Saving is so difficult. When I was 23 I was like “25 year old me will have his student loans and finances figured out”. This has kept procrastinating to the point where I am 30 and still don’t have my shit paid off. I could have paid my shit off and been living the good life but noooooo.

“Please, save my leg!”

As a die hard Jays fan I do not get your analogy but I agree that the Eagles have resilience this year.

That is absolutely disgusting. I had a roommate that was like that but with fish. He was turkish and would cook fish on my George Foreman grill and then leave the leftovers sitting on the floor by his bed for two days. When I ever tried to throw it out or point out how our dorm smelled like a garbage dump he would

I think it would be more impressive if they allowed Ben McAdoo to “start the game” as the coach only to be benched for ANY OTHER COACH for the rest of the game.

She looks like she snorted about 8 lines of Xanax before going out there.

Oh my fuck I had no idea this existed. Nothing can be more Canadian than Alan Thicke in the 90's.

Montreal and Toronto literally have the worst media in all of hockey. They literally have a goalie who loves playing for them and is a top five goaltender and all they do is rip on him. Fuck them@

During the unbearable years of being a Jays fan and he was out ace, he was THE GUY. I could only go to 1-2 games a year but when I did I would always try to make it on a day when Halladay pitched because the guy was so dominant that you knew the Jays were most likely going to win.

I don’t know why everybody shits on Donald Duck.....he is the shit! The only thing I ever wondered about him is why they put him in a shitty sailor suit.

This team just needs to fire Ben McAdoo already. This guy is an even bigger mouth breather than Eli Manning and looks like the type of guy who would smack his kid in the back of the head at a grocery store and tell you to fuck off for giving him a dirty look.

This deserves so much more than the stars it has.

OK that was just fucking hilarious! Inappropriate obviously but hilarious.