
Jared Lorenzen has had like 10 articles on Deadspin. lol

Still pumped up but it is not the same without the moustache.

This is insane that they are trying to sue Porsche. As much as they are death machines (gas tank is right below the seats for fuck sakes), they were almost doubling the speed limit in a car with bald tires trying to take a corner.

My god I still do not understand why they don’t start Cody Kessler on offense! Kizer is garbage, Hogan is dog shit and Kessler was the only QB last year to throw more TD’s than interceptions.

Can we just all agree even though Limp Bizkit is a piece of dog shit, Nickelback and/or Creed would be the absolute worst bands to ever play music with?

Now playing

The very underrated The Fourth Kind with Milla Jovovich. That one hypnosis scene scares the living shit out of me to this day. I still can barely watch it to this day

Personally if they named it Little Caesars Coliseum instead that would be much better

My question is why the fuck aren’t they starting Cody Kessler? He was the only semblance of a decent QB on that garbage dump team last year and for some reason this year on an equally bad team, he can’t find the field worth a shit.

That was a funny joke! Fuck everyone who thinks otherwise he didn’t say anything lewd or brash.

Todd Bowles deserves coach of the year for the fact that these guys have a winning record. My fuck I still don’t understand it.

If you are on a college campus around a bunch of college kids tailgating.......or a Bills game, then that clause makes sense.

Before I say anything else I want to make it clear that I am not defending sexual harassment.

This is a great article on the beauty of the game that is hockey. Watching it on TV does not even come close to doing it justice compared to seeing a live game (except at the Air Canada Centre).

Worst hangover job has to be working at a call centre. People call in for 8-10 hours a day straight bitching about your problems, yelling at you and some people can’t even speak english? My god!

Ben McAdoo looks like one of those people who goes to garage sales and haggles an old lady whose husband just died down $20 on a table saw. Then when he gets to his truck he brags to his fat blonde wife how he got a sick deal off that old lady because of his “negotiating skills”.

Not remotely enough stars for this

Jared Lorenzen. He was a fat lefty QB who backed up the New York Giants for a couple years and won a super bowl. I purposely watched Giants preseason football just to see that fat sweaty bastard grace the field.

The reason why is when you fly it dehydrates your whole body. The longer the flight, the worse it will be.

I was at that fight and 100% Gustavsson should have won. Easily the best fight I have ever seen.

I have read a bunch of articles on this but has nobody even considered that he is just potentially butt hurt at the fact that the Cavs wanted to use him in a trade? Considering he sees himself as a franchise guy maybe this is because his feelings are hurt?