
There is a difference between not being a bitch and spearing a guy in the nuts. Or in this case slamming a guys head into the ground like ten times because he made a joke about bad breath.

Fuck Crosby!!! Seriously if he wants to consider himself one of the all time greats he has to cut this shit out. Gretzky never slammed someones head into the ice 10 CONSECUTIVE TIMES in the Stanley Cup finals or for any game for that matter.

Not even close to enough stars for this.

As a Toronto sports fan all I can say is Brian Burke is full of shit. Like literally full of shit. No man can look that red, sweaty and bloated unless they were consistently holding a bunch of shit in at all times.

Lack of defense jokes aside, this is absolutely insane. The guy is clearly not a terrorist, he is voicing his opinion that Erdogan is a brutal dictator who imprisons innocent people for speaking against him.

Maybe to resuscitate his career he can try the CFL? Don’t get me wrong the league sucks but it would give him a platform which wouldn’t shun him and show his talents to get another shot.

God damn robot fingers.....WILL YOU PEOPLE EVER LEARN!

Even though I absolutely love him as a comedian, I had to stop following Norm MacDonald. If there is a golfing major on tv I swear to fucking god this guy tweets about 300 times that day. Not just little anecdotes either, like full essays over 10-15 tweets. Drove me fucking insane.

This game was insane! So many good stops and the defense on Nashville has been lights out.

Do you mean 2006?

Good article. When I started at my current job I met the CEO of the whole company (a man who could fire me at any second) and I was nervous and just kept making jokes the while time. For some reason I couldn’t stop myself and every joke to him was just not funny!

Subban does whine on occasion but saying that he does it more than Crosby is asinine. Especially considering Crosby spears nuts like its going out of style.

I have never seen this before and that is actually awesome in the stupidest possible way.

My god this guy is pure evil! That is the trifecta of entitled douchebaggery and that doesn’t even include him being a Trump supporter.

Not nearly enough stars for this!!!

I was so happy for the guy until I saw this. Fuck Ryan. I hope he fell of the stage afterwards.

Kate Beckinsale could be the devil incarnate and I would still have sex with her.......seriously nothing I will do in life would be a greater achievement than boning Kate Beckinsale.

According to Crosby it looks like Ryan is “a fucking pussy”.

I would love for someone to do the same thing for the Coyotes because short of the ticket prices, the drive is actually a lot worse than for the Senators.

I would love for someone to do the same thing for the Coyotes because short of the ticket prices, the drive is actually a lot worse than for the Senators.