I have visions of the Monty Python"Fish Slapping Dance".
I have visions of the Monty Python"Fish Slapping Dance".
They lost me at the pig carcass shown in the trailer being hit by the car. I figured if this is what they consider an hilarious highlight,I won't miss much.
I have a feeling the vodka part is real. I've been in recovery for 7 yeaars, and people in AA have many,many stories about doing the same thing. A lot of them make it though,if they continue to work a 12-step program.
Poor Amy. I hope she makes it,but I don't think she will. A guy in my AA group went to detox 26 times. He did live sober for over a decade but he died very young from the ravages of his past.
Wow, Sarah. You are so subtle and crafty,such a keen utilizer of strategery and covert maneuverism!. You little monkey you,you had us fooled. I totally believed that story about moving to Arizona for your Asthma!
Oh Yay!!!! Rock on, you Warrior Dakinis!
Well the bar is set pretty low here. I adore the Housewives,and I love Sonja, but the alcohol induced foolishness is not fun to watch given that I am 5 years sober and I remember being that way.
I KNEW I recognized her from someplace!!
Oh my. This is the 9th anniversary of my best friend's suicide at age 49. She researched her end meticulously, as she did with everything in her life,and left her copy of Final Exit on the dining room table.( I have a copy too,have had for years and if I ever need to, I will use it.) She chose carbon monoxide(car) and…
Oh hey, it's catchy and fun and good to bop around to,and pop as hell. I hate "pop" music but I bought this to fill in that space in my collection. I think Lady GaGa's having the time of her life and more power to her. I'm over twice her age,and I was very earnest then too, and took myself much more seriously than I…
Those are good questions. I enjoy GaGa a lot,but I do think they are overexposing her at the moment,so really how many new things can she come up with on this junket?
Absolutely let them serve in that way if they have the drive to do it. I have a dear friend halfway through his second deployment in Iraq. He has nothing but admiration and respect for the female soldiers in his unit who have proven themselves to be dedicated to their mission. I think we women can bring valuable…
I am so glad I never had to do this and am now so old that any friends starry eyed enough to marry again,do it in a quiet and sedate manner. One boarding school friend invited me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding when we were in our late 30's though. It was in Carolina or something and I was pretty much like;are you…
To be a woman in China is a shitty, shitty gig. And forget the money;"face" in China is a huge part of the culture. For this girl to "lose face" and for her family to lose face is a huge source of shame and a loss of reputation. Hopefully her family will still have her, now.
Oh my. That's so sad. But I am so glad you did not succeed and that your life has improved so much. I am coming up to the 9th anniversary of my best girlfriend's suicide. Part of everyone who loves you would have died right along with you,had you killed yourself.
Thanks for the input. I was not implying that the pre-frontal cortex shuts down completely,only that it's function is partially dormant for a number of years while other functions are booting up( and this is neurologically documented,according to my doctor)...which was not explained to me as "pruning",ever.
I learned it from a Psychiatrist in addiction counseling.
So, the "exciting new opportunities" Danielle was crowing about at the end of the Reunion fracas,was a stripping job at Scores?
I wouldn't worry;I think everyone knows these people are the exception to the rule;that's why it makes for good tv. I think Italian Americans are entirely too worried about this stuff. Personally I envy the closeness of Italian families and the whole culture. I was exposed to the Mob fairly early in life too, but even…