
I assume this is a single drive and not a RAID array? Also, is it available as a standalone drive?

The reason for the warning is simple, to prevent messy explosions due to the beverages powerfull carbonation.

Posting articles 5 minutes apart now? Keep it up Frucci!

@Kaiser-Machead: My last phone was a Nokia clamshell freephone. It snapped in half. I guess I was holding it wrong.

I wish they would also create a device that lets you slam a smartphone when you want to end a heated conversation dramatically.

There should be a text based Gizmodo for underpowered mobile browsers. This site has never looked better on my cell phone! Any suggestions to maintain this semi-convenient semi-outage?

@Red_Fish: Kindle owners rejoice!

Kindle owners rejoice!

I kind of like this. It makes substantially more articles fit onto one page. Is there any way short of using the command line web browser Links to do that?

@theGreenCabbage: DDoS attack's usually are caused by an overload of ICMP requests resulting in complete site outages, so this would have been unlikely symptoms. Unless the specific server hosting their pictures got DoS'ed. Also, most modern servers are not susceptible to the vast majority of DOS attacks.

Man, Steve Jobs would be so screwed if he had horrible dandruff.

I believe the best you will find now is a solar panel supplemented camera bag.

Not to be confused with 1-900-FACETIME.

Sprint also said flash would be available "in the near future" on WebOS. That was a couple months ago. I would take this announcement with a very large grain of salt.

Its about time.

That pool probably has a lot of vomit in it.

@theyellowone: If I still had my star I would promote this comment. Apple is currently at $245 BL, Microsoft is at $219 BL and Google is at $151 BL.

So basically Apple tries to control how their customers use their products and Google tries to protect its customers (albeit in a very 1984ish way).