

Disagree on Padme. Her character gets destroyed in Episode 3. Lost the fucking will to live... Jesus Christ...

Eh, I’ll agree with you on Qui Gon, Padme, the B1s and “Duel of the Fates”, everything else is crap or superfluous. Or superfluous crap.

Why not both?

Yeah, for nearly 7 full seasons dragons breath lit shit on fire, then when Viserion took down the Wall it suddenly had concussive force. Artillery breath, if you like. Except at Winterfell, where Viserion inexplicably could take out a portion of a wall with his breath in once scene, but then have walls provide Jon

Sushi doesn’t go with crackers.

I have no problem with endless amounts of fire - because, well, dragon

However, I do have questions regarding the scientific properties of dragon fire - a skyborne death ray that so easily breaks through just about any naturally occuring substance that the humans of Westeros build with: wood, stone, ice, metal, what

Ash was their food. I’m 99% sure their fire came from excreting two different fluids that combined would ignite. Like Napalm I guess? Or that stuff in Die Hard 3.

In any case, it’s time for a sequel, and I’d really like it if they were able to use the same cast, Mcconaughey included.

I really like the color of the suit on the far right. I should wear more yellow. All black people should wear more yellow. We look good in yellow. (I probably won’t wear more yellow.)

Steve Harvey is another Ben Carson,  a sell out and A$$ licker that head blew up and forgot where he came from. When I saw him grinning from ear to ear with Trump like a trained chimp, it was over with. 

You’re out of your mind putting Steve fucking Harvey in the same category as Pryor and Foxx. They are legends who will be remembered forever and discussed anytime someone mentions comedy, Steve is nowhere near that level. 

Why bless your heart, you little dumb-dumb.

Suits by Bargain Clown of Newark.

oh... I meant never forget Steve Harvey buys his clothes from the discount joke shop.

Ah, when an early-rising, bootstrap-advocating, unsolicited advice-giving, Black-hating StepNFetchit realizes he was never the propeller of his own rise or arbiter of future success nor master of his own fate.

Redheaded ladies are 0-2 at that cliff.  Wanda better steer clear.

finally someone who gets it. This was ALWAYS going to go this way, plot rush notwithstanding.

Next episode-

Alright, seriously though, if you’re angry and surprised and don’t think Danny’s choices were clearly in line with her character, look back...

This is some very polite ownage.