
I’m sure I’ll be told that Conan is literally (literally!) Satan incarnate for saying so, but reading that essay reminds me of why I like him so much.

I saw it in the theater and thought it was a much better version of Armageddon. The Chinese are beating us in the apocalyptic, science-fiction melodrama race.

Kids, kids, you’re both right.


By the only objective measure, it was a good shot. Everything else is the arcane art of what might have been.

Hey guys we found PG’s burner account.

Now playing

The only way I heard this headline in my head...

Vlade Divac: I wish that our next coach never loses a game for the Kings.

Is it ok to think they’re both awful?

Did Johnny Depp have Richard Harris blacklisted... from the living!? The answer may surprise you!

“. I honestly fear for his safety”

I don’t. Fuck that motherfucker. He’s one of the reasons we have Trump in the first place.  

Truly, everything that Trump touches (or touches Trump) dies. 

“Ladies and gentlemen, Shane Macgowan has been captured. You may return to your homes...”

He’s just a Russian spy. Installing Trump into power was his job. The only way Trump’s administration punishes him is if his usefulness is dried up and it looks politically advantageous to do so.

His initial leaks really pissed off the tyrant right for exposing their Orwellian spying, all of which ramped up by Republicans and their neoliberal collaborators under W. His stupid attempt to save himself by helping Trump in 2016 is what got him here. I hope whatever else he’s been sitting on, especially with

They appear to have captured The Mandarin.

Taking it way to far, they got the call right. Move on

I mean, can anyone argue really that they felt right about the Rams going to the super bowl after that saints non-call? Like I get your point, but the reverse is so much worse. See, this screws up the flow of the game and makes sure that reality prevails. What happened in the saints game was reality was defeated, and

Was this the correct call? Yes and no. Yes in that Moretti’s finger was in fact the last to touch the ball before it went out of bounds.