
I'm getting tired of the Tatiana and Oleg scenes basically repeating the same thing over and over. They talk for five minutes and at the end the camera lingers on Tatiana's face, hinting that she is up to no good. I hope there's a payoff for this in the NEAR future.

Did I hear wrong? I could have sworn that when Elizabeth walked in she said "Maurice is dead, too."

I don't think that's just you. I also thought the Jennings kids were too old to be taking that so seriously. I was 13 in 1983 and also thought the whole thing was pretty cheesy.

Serge didn't eat people because he was a Returned. He ate people because he was a psychopath. The Returned eat people's stomachs when they reach a stage of feeling no connection with anyone. The point the show was making was that people like Serge are basically living zombies. And I don't think Serge was asking for

Still and all it made no sense that Chloé was so passive about it. Adele was her mother, and Chloé really loved Simon. The way that situation ended up just made absolutely no sense. Even the baby didn't make sense. If he was "like Victor" why was he getting those abrasions when he was in the military camp? Or was that

We heard a couple of Helping Hand guys saying "We had to shoot her; there was no other way" when that group of them was running to tell Pierre about the escape of the returned people from the gymnasium. It was said so fast it was easy to miss, but I figured they must have been talking about Sandrine. Something

Which was why Davos had to ask for it, not her. Although that wasn't quite plausible.


Davos ex machina?

If you set a death up right you don't have to wait for the consequences. Joffrey's death, for instance, was shocking precisely because we were implicitly aware of its consequences as it was happening. Same with the Red Wedding. Sansa's wedding night, on the other night, was frustrating, at least in part, because we

Maybe he's just your standard Tiresias figure, not really good or bad, just all prophet-y.

And yet, oddly, when it doesn't work she curses under her breath — in English.

This episode and the end of last episode went to great lengths to show that she had had a real, honest loss of faith. So I think all conjecture about whether or how much she was dissembling before is pretty pointless now. She's not the most savory of human beings, but she's not a con artist either.

Homer's the Iliad was the same story as Troy? Mind. blown.

I think there is something cyclical going on, and Pierre has taken on Milan's role as the town fascist.

Yeah, he better be changed in some way that makes his death more than just a cheap cliffhanger. I'm kind of afraid he won't be, though, because if so it would have made sense to end the episode with a sign of that change rather than just on his waking up, which we all knew was going to happen.

I don't know why they didn't have him at least try to stab Ramsay in that hug and discover that Ramsay was expecting it and one step ahead of him. I would have found that a little more believable.

I thought it was gratuitous. It wasn't necessary plotwise and it revealed nothing about Ramsay or his environment that hasn't already been shown.

Unearned nihilism is just as silly as unearned positivity. Ramsay ruling anything would make no sense; he has shown zero capacity for ruling. I honestly don't think this show, despite its flaws, indulges in fan service.

Last I remember he had an interview with Cersei in King's Landing that felt all wrong time-wise. As if he'd taken a tardis to get there or something — not that I would put that past him.