
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Littlefinger sort of melted out of things about halfway through last season, right? I wonder what that bastard's up to.

Same with news. I was surprised that people know Jon is/was/is the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch.

He despised Ramsay too much to be able to see that Ramsay's veneration of him had become insincere.

I get it; I don't think it's all that nuanced, though.

Yeah, I meant to look him up too. Definitely familiar.

I wonder where they're going to go now. I thought it was going to take a lot longer, maybe the whole season, to find out what was going on with Jack. I guess that's not going to be what this season is about after all.

SV is pretty much my favorite show right now so I hate to say this, but I was a little disappointed by the reveal of what is wrong with Action Jack. I feel as if I've seen the whole "marketing before product" approach lampooned so many times — I have higher expectations of SV when it comes to originality.

Sad to see sweet little Tommen turn into a sulky pudding-face. Maybe he'll develop a spine (and a chin) before he (inevitably) gets horribly killed.

It's a huge flaw. And when people do ask questions, no one answers. Like Mme Séguret trying to throw Esteban into a scary closet without attempting to give him any reason for it. It starts to get a bit annoying.

The only foreign culture Bachman respects enough to bother pronouncing correctly is Japanese culture. It makes sense that he would think "Aviato" sounds Japanese.

I thought it looked nothing like anything south of Jersey.

I think the reason it seems implausible to a lot of viewers is that ever since Elizabeth killed that guy with his car in his garage The Americans has made murder seem like a pretty easy, and commonly used, solution for these KGB agents. So now it's hard to believe that anyone — FBI, CIA, or KGB — would go to the

Pretty coincidental that Oleg's pilot went missing right when Tatiana found a "backup," don't you think?

The c-word would go better with the hashy medieval language GRRM favors in general.

She never plays an angle when she's talking about her kids, though.

I knew there was no way Sansa could be captured after Theon told her how to get to Castle Black. That just would have made no sense. So I thought it was a little clumsy.

Oh no. Remember how happy we all were when she GOT to Winterfell?

Same with news. Those ravens all fly at completely different speeds.

Yeah, that's not how catharsis works.

I thought the fact that we couldn't tell for sure what it meant was a flaw. It ended the episode and seemed to be making a point. It should have been more clear about the point it was making.