stupid_mcgee: uber pyro>zerg rush

@NeVeRMoRe666: I agree completely. I psyched about the new content, I play L4D all the time, but I really don't like that they seem to be abandoning L4D. I also don't like that it means I have to decide to play L4D or L4D2, instead of being able to load up one game and getting to play all of the campaigns and

@pointsevenone: Exactly. This should be an expansion pack so that it can add on to all the greatness that is already in L4D. Instead, we won't be able to play the original campaigns, use the original characters, or any of that. It's kind of BS if you ask me.

@Nahir: They also love money. Not saying anything it wrong with that, they need money to keep the teams afloat, but it seems like they're really trying to milk L4D's popularity in a very shady and customer-unfriendly way.

@Sir-Lucius: I'm wondering if there isn't a good reason why they had to do a new game. Maybe they radically altered the engine with the new AI director?

It's good that it wasn't a stroke. Still, that's gotta be rough (especially the sleeping with your eye taped shut part).

@Toasticus: Also, do you mean level design for UE3? Because, otherwise, you don't need an UE3 game for your portfolio's assets. You don't need to show your models in UE3 nor do you need to show texture assets in UE3. You can do all of that just fine in Blender.

@Toasticus: Played it for about 30 minutes. Didn't care for it. Shit, the Quake Wars community is more active than UT3's.

@Mad-Hobo: No, it wasn't. Why is it that anytime there is ever anything regarding numbers people post the "over 9,000" meme?

@Scazza: Agreed. As I said last week, WIC is starting to look more like "the best comments from 4chan" than "the best comments from Kotaku."

@TaylorEatWorld (Douche Chillll): Really? Congrats to BFB and all, but at least Witz makes actual concrete points with real weight. That was just a predictable joke.

@Gambit09: Nope. Obsidian Entertainment is developing that.

@πæπœ: The portal turrets might forgive, but my hatred burns forever, as strong and pure as the white-hot sun...

@jazzBRO: First rule of Kotaku Comment Club: always comment without reading the article and especially without reading the linked article.

@Narishma: Hmm. They must've just released that. The previous Unreal pack didn't include UT3. That's a pretty good deal.

@JahB: The thing that really makes this stupid is North Korea invading the USA. China, believable, Russia, sure it could happen, but North Korea? They don't have the manpower to even occupy the Potomac Mills Mall, let alone an entire nation the size of America. It doesn't matter how bad our economy collapsed, even if

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: That was my first thought. This idea is fucking stupid rubbish. Use China or Russia. N. Korea is so unbelievable that it ruins the entire concept.