
"Okay, just... maybe tilt it up? No? Okay, turn it to your left. No, YOUR left. Now lift it up a bit? Hmm, maybe if we lay it down on this corner and then raise up your end... OW. MY THUMB."

Is it really fair to put 2013-2014 games on a list of "best games without sequels"? Of course they don't have sequels - THEY JUST CAME OUT. Do you also go to restaurants and wonder why the bill isn't there yet when you still have the menu in your hand?

I'm going to eat a giant fucking steak tonight and dedicate it to that guy.

Garnish is supposed to be edible and conform to food standards too, isn't it? I'd say that one's on the restaurant for not using fresh kale. I mean yeah, there's an obvious alternative on the table, but maybe they all just really liked kale.

It's increasingly bothersome and abhorrent that many legislators treat science like it's a religion opposite their own, rather than a peer-reviewed and information-based field of academics and education.

I'm really hoping they don't bloat the story with all the other races too early. Humans vs orcs is a great story for the first film, and I think it's enough. Ideally I'd even like to not see either type of elves first, and nothing of the undead or Burning Legion until film 2 or 3. They have tons of lore to draw from,

You joke, but I was disappointed that the Silent Hill movies didn't do this, when the games actually had secret UFO endings.

If he hadn't already done almost the exact same thing in The Road, I'd say Viggo Mortensen.

Yes and no. A lot of the flavor dialogue is triggered by game actions, which does make it interactive. Things like "Holy SHIT, Joel!" when you slam a guy's face into the wall with lethal force come out a lot in the gameplay. That doesn't mean you're wrong and I don't disagree with you, I just think it's more

That always bothered me about Uncharted. "Yep, I'm a sarcastic adventuring hero exploring an ancient temple... Just shot 100 people's faces off before morning, no biggie."

Seriously, raw footage is always awful. There's so much added to it. Of course, I think actors are overpaid and get way too much credit while the crew gets far too little, but without at least a passable performance you're going to have a crap movie. That said, if you have a crap editor, a crap writer, and a crap

Add a "ch" at the end. It's a couch. A groovy, fancy patterned couch. The holster is hanging over the back of it.

If you: 1) research what you're buying first, 2) sell yourself as a customer more than they sell you a product, and 3) relate that you know how their game works, you'll get what you want. I walked into a phone store with an exact phone plan in mind, and my crappy old barely-working Galaxy Ace, and settled on something

I absolutely cannot get over the premise of these movies enough to suspend my disbelief. This whole "one day a year" thing would have massive amounts of social and economic fallout, and you're basically inviting annual terrorism from every country or extremist group who hates you because hey, they can't get in

Most people will advise you to "just write" and come up with a first draft, then go back and edit, edit, edit. My strategy is to write a chapter, edit the hell out of it, THEN move forward. Edit until you're sure you're satisfied with it before moving forward. I find it takes about the same amount of time, but you'll

Today I Learned: You can compile a bunch of other people's tweets with zero effort on your part and make money from it.

OK, just so we're clear: Edge of a plate, not gross at all. One inch to the left, EWWWW. Got it.

Which one was the guy who said something like "The internet is not a truck. It is a series of tubes."?

More like HE lasts 10-12 minutes, and it ends when he gets off. Not exactly a mutually beneficial situation.

Well if there's one foolproof way to consistently turn a woman on, it's a blandly-formatted list of statistics.