
Maybe rattling Hillary isn’t the aim. Maybe this one’s for the crowd.

I’m sure one could come up with some sort of explanation about the infected apes piggybacking off of human infrastructure and accomplishments.

Not knowing the answer does not make the question silly.

Are the hands in the pictures Japanese?

An enclave of apes from Africa managed it once.

Are the batteries themselves zero-carbon technology as well, or is their production (and resource extraction) so emissions-heavy that you may as well have burned coal to produce energy?

“Guess adjectives derived from proper nouns were fair game.”
It’s a noun, though.

Having a right to something and actually having that something are two different things entirely.

I’d be pissed if someone wanted to mutilate me because I was genetically suited to a particular field of athletics.

But the statement you’re ‘just’ making is “Hah! You’re not good enough to even be a challenge to me!”

This is really hammering home that I apparently suck at Pokémon Go. I’ve been going for random walks and just picking up whatever ‘mon I happen to run into since day one.

It’s almost like he genuinely can’t imagine that some jobs are more like hostage situations than career opportunities.

Will it have any sort of in-game functionality, or it it just a colorful, blinking trinket?