Bad Billy Pratt

Also can I say fuck “Boston Strong” too? Being in Worcester when a bomb went off and killed some people you have no relation to does not make you stronger. You’re still a douchebag.

I had sega’s “Video Driver” as a child. Holy crap, was that thing a travesty. You had a tiny wheel and a tiny car that strapped to the front of your TV screen, while you’d insert various video casettes and try to keep the toy car within a black bar that also displayed at the bottom of the screen. The videos were SOOOO

Nothing stopping him from running for president now

You need to look through SFGiant49’s special Niners goggles to see it.

It’s clear Barry was the cream of the crop back then.

Selling it due to “Space Issues”. HA!

Mental health issues can be terrible. You inevitably feel like it’s you vs. yourself.

don’t stutter on your comebacks they’re too easy to read.

Melo: You are stuck with me, buddy.

No - Herpes can pass to others.

The world is full of teens armed

A friend of mine is an indy level wrestler based of out of Connecticut and had the chance to work a small gym show with Piper about 4 or 5 years ago. After the show they go to this shit show of a bar and everyone is throwing down beers and shots. Piper ended up talking to him for about a half hour about life and

About 20 years ago, I was working at a car rental agency in an airport when the stars of the WWF show that night came rolling in. Hogan, Roddy, Macho Man, Bigelow....Anyways, they don’t even break character when renting cars. Roddy was acting like he got the best car of the bunch, Macho didn’t like what I was giving


Based on the less-than-healthy nature of the stools, police are looking for a man afflicted with anal fjords.

He’s on the record as saying nice things about Puerto Ricans, though. I even heard him say, “There’s no such thing as bad PR.”

“I LOVED that Dale Thayer dude in Brian’s Thong!”

—Mike Tyson