Bad Billy Pratt

He was actually trying to help them in a friendly way. Bobby Knight has a long history of helping fans find their seats. Hell one time he even saw a fan across the court unable to find his seat, so he actually threw him his own chair to use. Just a good guy.

People in Dubai don't like the Flinstones, but people in Abu Dahbi do.

Terrell Suggs tried to sell his tickets at face value which made the price plummet.

Finally, a poster involving an FSU athlete that says something other than "WANTED."

Can't wait for the inevitable "Marshawn Lynch hurt his HOF chances because he wouldn't talk to the press" articles.

Accomplice: Ok Aaron, in and out, no evidence. We hit the target, and leave.

These assholes already have three rings, and they STILL want your pity for having to root for the Pats back when they were old and shitty.

Boston sports fans are as fairweather as it gets. I lived in Boston from 1990-1992 and I could count on 1 (maybe 2) hands the number of Pats fans I encountered. Sawks fans? Tons. Bruins fans? plenty. Celtics fans? There were many, but as the team went from Larry Bird and titles to Reggie Lewis & Dee Brown not winning

I hate brian vickers. But that isnt saying much so do a lot of other people

"need you home a sap"

Oh sure, but when I drop 37 at my job, I'm "a danger" and "not fit to deliver babies."

This might be the first time in super bowl media coverage that a team will complain about too many soft ball questions.

Meanwhile, Packer fans are still waiting for Mike McCarthy's balls to show up.


Hold on Barry, you actually expect me to believe that the NFL knew about a problem and failed to act on it?

Martin Luther King Jr. opened so many doors for black Americans I don't even know where to start. Voting, equal access, education. Even here, with his unfunny monotone delivery, he paved the way for The Magic Johnson Hour all those years later.

"We shall come over."

both of the "motherfuckers" quoted above are actually "y'alls."

"That's the last of my worries. I don't even respond to stuff like this."