Bad Billy Pratt

Plax shooting straight from the hip with these comments.

Puma Man is one the list but not The Wild World Of Batwoman?

I’m very happy with my Beets By Bolin. Would recommend them to anyone.

Snake also called NASCAR races for TBS in the early 90s.

Just bring back ties but count them as losses for both teams. And for fuck’s sake just give Seattle the Coyotes and Quebec the Panthers. The league doesn’t need more teams!

I leave symbols to the symbol-minded.


My eyes just got a bit Dusty... if you wheeeeelll...

Former WWE writer Alex Greenfield told several hilarious Dusty stories a couple months ago on MLW Radio. Episode 175: Driving Miss Dusty. You have to have a subscription to hear it now (15 bucks for a year).

“Little boy jail?! Take me there!!!”

Is this Hosie?

I hope there’s a huge stash of chems stored in the locker of player #34.

I meant to respond to the original post.

NASCAR doesn’t care who you are. Ask Carl Long how generous they were to him in spite of him being a shoestring budget racer.

“I would have hit the mother fucker!”

Now playing

Put him and those of this ilk with this guy.

Freddie Mitchell, Joe Horn, Rickey Dudley, Donald Hollis, Harvey Williams.