Bad Billy Pratt
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I love this performance of Sisters Of The Moon

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The 1992 Royal Rumble had the crowd audio sweetened when Hulk Hogan was eliminated by Sid Justice. The crowd cheered during the live show but WWE edited in boos afterward. Check the 1:17:00 mark of OSW Review's video of it:

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This really should be NC State's fight song.

Wow what an original response!

About 10 years ago, I had an emotional break up with my girlfriend. We had done the online, long-distance thing for several years and were on the last legs of the relationship when she met a guy she was going to school with and started going out with. I don't blame her for it and never have since it was difficult for

I'm surprised Vince green-lighted Heyman mentioning UFC since he is so worried about someone dying in the octagon.

It didn't have CM Punk on it.

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I'm relieved Ol' Timer Billy Slater isn't alive to witness this debacle.

He cut a tire and hit the wall

It's hard to take a coach seriously when they use the term "fair and square".

Is that Jenny Lewis I see?

They should have a picture-in-picture of someone shooting a spray bottle. It would equate to closed captioning for Lou.

I prefer Clawed Purrrroux since the human counterpart is also a pussy.

I'm surprised Pats fans haven't used the "Boston Strong" narrative yet.

Exactly. How anyone could think 43 cars racing on a 1.5 mile oval in the wet would be great racing is beyond me. They wouldn't be racing, they would be wrecking.

Growing up here in Northern California, I was the only kid in school who loved NASCAR (racing in general.) When other kids or even adults tried to tell me that all NASCAR was is racing around in circles, I knew it was much more than that. You can look at any other sport in the same rudimentary way but NASCAR was to

Somehow, this guy has yet to have his feet set to the fire regarding his role in this case.