
The salt water adds a little seasoning; like soaking your turkey in brine.

for those at work without earbuds, what’s the tl;dr?

I don’t know, ask Roger

The trick I use to use with a point and shoot was to prop up the camera (to avoid using my less than perfectly still hands), increase the exposure time (may even be seconds), and use a timer. The act of pressing the button moves the camera. With the timer, nothing is moving the camera. Of course, these days, you can

Now playing

Inspired by the Shakespearean story of Hamlet... that made me laugh so hard I nearly fell out of my chair. Inspired by KIMBA is more like it!

Seriously, this is really about news organizations not wanting to pay for moderators or stop the quick back-and-forth of trolling on their pages because it makes them look relevant to have so much social media involvement, even if most of it trolling.

You CAN turn off comments on a Facebook page. Setting -> Visitor Posts -> Disable posts by other people on the Page.

When being popular = monopoly.

I’ve never had the battery die on a paper shopping list. Just sayin’.

You could at least post the picture of Dr Court Connor who research this subject:

Actually I think it’s more specifically a funicular. As we all learned from Deus Ex Human Revolution.

There’s no reason to be upset given that the purpose of these various cameras and such is to improve public safety, so a phone warning should produce the same result. Unless law enforcement wishes to admit that these devices are actually about revenue generation and not safety...

With access to every single one of the facts, your judgement is sure to be spot on.

> Tesla Autopilot does not prevent all accidents.

Well, he is a bad wolf dad...

Here’s my favorite Peter Mayhew story, which basically shows what kind of a mensch he was.

No Spike? Shame on you. No Count Duckula?! Shame once more.

But, like...

I can’t speak to these specific events, but issues with the availability, pricing, and regulations surrounding water bottles are usually venue restrictions forced on events due to exclusivity agreements with the catering company contracted by the venue. The caterering company has paid big bucks to the venue for